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Guanajuato recognized for its Brand Premium Agricultural Zone

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Guanajuato recognized for its Brand Premium Agricultural Zone

The will and decision to launch this distinction is noted, the program will encourage producers and protect consumers San Miguel de Allende/Gto Ne

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The will and decision to launch this distinction is noted, the program will encourage producers and protect consumers

San Miguel de Allende/Gto News

For its plan for the Guanajuato Premium Agricultural Zone Brand of Mexico, the State Government was recognized by the members of the Mexican Union of Agrochemical Manufacturers and Formulators.

Paulo Banuelos Rosales, Secretary of Agro-Food and Rural Development of Guanajuato, was at the ordinary assembly held in San Miguel de Allende and which he attended as a special guest.

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Francisco Javier Trujillo Arriaga, former director of the National Agro-Food Health, Safety and Quality Service -Senasica-, presented the plan promoted by the State Government. This is a commercial badge that will be granted to any producer or agricultural company that meets the requirements that their markets demand of them, thus allowing them to place their products in more formal markets.

The members of the UMFFAACC recognized this initiative supported by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, to integrate all actors in the agroindustrial sector and promote their activity, which also includes agrochemical manufacturers and formulators.

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“We congratulate the initiative of Governor Diego Sinhue and the Secretary of SDAyR, Paulo Banuelos; Guanajuato Premium Zone is an example that you can put a certificate of the best quality of agricultural production in the country, if each State did this we would have a much more productive, larger and profitable Mexico and that is needed”, said Luis Eduardo González Zepeda, president of the Mexican Union of Agrochemical Manufacturers and Formulators.

“So it is a very good initiative, especially in the sense of the goal, which is not only to have greater economy for farmers, but greater protection for consumers; “This has to do with ensuring the complete process, from sowing to the consumer’s mouth”, said Gonzalez Zepeda.

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Members from other states also sympathized with the initiative, such as Marte Nicolas Vega Roman, president of the Confederation of Agricultural Associations of the State of Sinaloa -CAADES-, which includes more than 30 thousand producers of that State.

“I congratulate you because to carry out what is being done in Guanajuato, a lot of political will is needed and we see that you are doing it; by relying on the advice of a person like Trujillo, who has the experience and ability, progress is made much faster. I congratulate you and believe me, the results will be seen very quickly,” said the agricultural leader.

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Paulo Banuelos said that Guanajuato is a national reference in offering healthy, hygienic and high-quality agricultural products, thanks to the public policies promoted by the Government led by Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

“We do strong work in this matter, because the health of plants is a heritage of Guanajuato; here in Guanajuato you can eat strawberries straight from the plant because it is known that it is a fresh, hygienic and healthy product, it is a great value of our field,” said the state official.