Entrepreneurs complete the formation program of the Institute of Innovation to make real the business ideas Silao/Gto News In order to recogniz
Entrepreneurs complete the formation program of the Institute of Innovation to make real the business ideas
Silao/Gto News
In order to recognize Guanajuato’s entrepreneurial community, the People’s Government and the Innovation Institute presented 200 certificates of participation in training and support programs in the development and strengthening of their business ideas and real businesses.

With the Graduation Ceremony of Entrepreneurs from the training and support program for the development and strengthening of business ideas, the Guanajuato State Innovation Institute provided participants with tools, knowledge and support networks to materialize their business ideas. As a result, Guanajuato continues to consolidate itself as a national benchmark in the promotion of innovation, technology and entrepreneurship.

Juan Antonio Reus Montano, Director of the Innovation Institute, highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship in a state like Guanajuato, where people are the ones who promote work based on ideas, creating ventures that impact an entire community.
“We can make of our passion, our profession. Today, our State is ranked first in innovation in Mexico, first in patents per each one thousand economically active inhabitants, and third in the country in terms of adoption of new technologies,” said Reus.

This program encourages discussions and exchanges of knowledge by professionals, academics and businessmen and women to promote dialogue and collaboration in favor of the economic and comprehensive development of the participants.
The innovation ecosystem of Guanajuato integrates entrepreneurs, startups, incubators, accelerators, investment funds, research centers, innovation parks, entrepreneurship gyms, among other, through leadership, actors and members of the ecosystem that promote projects aimed at transforming the reality of its population, through innovation and sustainability, putting to the service of the population:
- 29 Innovation and entrepreneurship gyms, where solutions are developed to solve local needs
- 20 Incubators and accelerators that propel startups to their next stage of growth
- Network of 300 mentors who guide entrepreneurs in the process of maturing ideas and projects
- Entrepreneurial communities that make easier the transfer of knowledge and the adoption of new technologies

The Government of the People reaffirms its commitment to generate initiatives that empower citizens. This event not only celebrates individual achievements, but the collaborative work of the public sector, the private sector and academic institutions to build a more solid and competitive ecosystem.
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