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Guanajuato presents its treasures in the Senate

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Guanajuato presents its treasures in the Senate

The panel "GTO Mindfacture, Long-term Vision" is presented in the Guanajuato Week in the Senate of Mexico Da click en el link al final de la nota

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The panel “GTO Mindfacture, Long-term Vision” is presented in the Guanajuato Week in the Senate of Mexico

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Mexico City/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, inaugurated the exhibition, “Guanajuato Week in the Senate of the Republic”, where the treasures of Guanajuato are highlighted in aspects such as Tourism, Economic Development, Culture and Innovation.


In addition, the Governor inaugurated an exhibition of Ephemeral Art rugs from the group the Eighth Night of Uriangato.

This exhibition will be from September 27 to 29 with 45 Guanajuato producers of wine, tequila, ceramics, leather, footwear, sweets, handicrafts, among other things.

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The Governor thanked the Senate for the invitation and invited those present to visit Guanajuato to learn about its artisanal, gastronomic, and wine wealth and the various tourist destinations it has.

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In the inaugural ceremony, the Governor was accompanied by Senator Alejandro Armenta Mier, President of the Board of Directors of the Senate of the Republic; Senator Julen Rementeria del Puerto, Coordinator of the PAN parliamentary group; Senators Alejandra Noemi Reynoso Sánchez, Martha Lucia Micher Camarena; Senator Jose Erandi Bermudez Mendez and the Mayor of the Cuauhtemoc City Hall, Sandra Cuevas Nieves.

Also present were Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel and Ramon Alfaro Gomez, Secretaries of Tourism and Economic Development, respectively.

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Technological Innovation Panel presented

During the panel “Mentefactura GTO, Long-term Vision”, the Governor of Guanajuato said that the Mindfacture is already a reality, and that it makes of Guanajuato the technological center with an ideal ecosystem for it.

In this panel, the Governor reaffirmed the vocation towards the future that is being built in Guanajuato, moving from manufacture to Mindfacture, that is, betting on the talent of Guanajuato to develop technology.

Clases master

Rodriguez Vallejo said that Guanajuato is an example of collaboration and continuity of public policies oriented to the technological future in an alliance of the Triple Helix:

  • University, industry and government

with the clear objective of turning the state into the next epicenter of Mexico’s technological evolution.

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“We are betting on seeing how our young people will be prepared in this Industry 4.0 strategy, that is why we created innovation centers with the Valley of Mentefactura. We require this ecosystem for promising young people to give what is needed in companies”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo
Governor of Guanajuato

Antonio Reus Montaño, General Director of the Institute of Innovation, Development, Entrepreneurship and Acceleration (IDEA) of the State of Guanajuato, said that IDEA GTO was created in 2020 on the Mindfacture route to land Mindfacture in a proposal, today it is the ecosystem Valle de la Mentefactura since 2021, and it is the means to provide the ecosystem with a tool to give it dynamism with the Valle de la Mentefactura Platform, where innovative projects are accompanied.

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Bernd Rohde, General Director of Hannover Fairs Mexico, said that Mexico is in the right place and time to undertake economic social changes on the way to the fourth industrial revolution and the government of Guanajuato has given proof of this.

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“The alliances promoted in State governments such as the Guanajuato Government must be established at the federal level if we want Mexico to transcend in them,” said Rohde.

The moderator of the Panel was the Senator of the Republic for Guanajuato, Alejandra Noemi Reynoso Sanchez, who said that the Valley of Mindfacture is a transversal public policy and is an important bet that aims to take advantage of the capacities of the actors.

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It is, said Reynoso, a policy for the long term, it is sowing to reap in the medium and long term.

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