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Guanajuato makes birth registry easier

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Guanajuato makes birth registry easier

Birth registration for the Mexican-American population is supported by Officials of Guanajuato The Program “Soy México” is implemented by the Gene

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Birth registration for the Mexican-American population is supported by Officials of Guanajuato

The Program “Soy México” is implemented by the General Direction of the Civil Registry, in coordination with the Consultative Council on Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior

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Guanajuato/Gto News

In order to support the Mexican-American population, the General Direction of the Civil Registry of Guanajuato, in coordination with the Consultative Council on Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior, implements the “Soy Mexico” Program.


This binational strategy benefits children and adolescents who were born in the United States to process the Mexican birth certificate and assign the Unique Population Registry Code –CURP-, through the process of inserting the American birth certificate in the Mexican Civil Registry, simplifying the legalization of the foreign document.

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This mechanism is an alternative to that of the Apostille, which allows the electronical verification of the US birth records for its inclusion in the mexican Civil Registry.

The “Soy México” Program is only for cases in which the birth certificate is not apostilled and the user for some reason cannot process the corresponding apostille.

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It will be in force during November 2022 in all Civil Registry Offices, except death rooms, marriage rooms or hospitals.

The interested party must go directly to the Civil Registry office closest to their home, so that they can know what are the requirements that they must follow, in order to benefit from the program.


Currently the binational strategy has actions to verify certificates in the American Union in the States of:

Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, and Montana. 

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Also participating are the States of:

  • North Carolina, North Dakota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Wyoming and New York City.

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