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Guanajuato keeps control of its Health system

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Guanajuato keeps control of its Health system

Guanajuato and the Federal Government work to improve coordination in health for the benefit of Guanajuatenses National Action Governors have

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Guanajuato and the Federal Government work to improve coordination in health for the benefit of Guanajuatenses

Guanajuato Health System 2

National Action Governors have a reunion with President of Mexico

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Mexico City/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo and Governors members of the Association of Governors of National Action –GOAN- met President of Mexico.

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Results in Health

In the reunion, in Mexico City, the Governors talked about the health systems of the States in Mexico and the results of the massive vaccination in the Country.

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The best

It was agreed to keep strengthening the State Health system as it has been functioning until now and which is recognized now as the best State Health system in Mexico

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Not part of INSABI

The non entrance of Guanajuato to INSABI (the Federal Health system) will be respected, just as it has been working and having a great coordination for the benefit of the health of Guanajuatenses.

Governor Diego Sinhue thanked the President of Mexico for the Federal support to Guanajuato in health matters.

Coordination State-Federation

It was agreed to maintain and improve the inter-institutional coordination State-Federation to keep vaccinating Guanajuatenses against Coronavirus.

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The Secretary of Health of Guanajuato Daniel Diaz Martinez was with the Governor in his trip to Mexico City.

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