The coordinated work in security allows Authorities to keep Guanajuato among the first places nationwide in the seizure of firearms Guanajuato/Gto
The coordinated work in security allows Authorities to keep Guanajuato among the first places nationwide in the seizure of firearms
Guanajuato/Gto News
Derived from the coordinated work on security, the state of Guanajuato remains among the first places nationwide in the seizure of firearms.

According to the National Census of State Public Security (CNSPE) 2024, based on data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), it reveals that Guanajuato has shown notable performance in the seizure of firearms.

According to this study:
- Guanajuato grew in weapons seizures by 10.53%
- 7,837 weapons secured in 2023
- 8,662 weapons secured in 2024
- Guanajuato went from 13th place in 2023
- To 11th place in 2024 in the ranking of States with more seizures

Since the beginning of this administration, public security actions have been developed strategically under strict coordination between the State Public Security Secretariat and the State Prosecutor’s Office.
The joint work by both state institutions has allowed Guanajuato to occupy second place at the national level with the largest number of weapons seized, with a total of 16,571, according to the latest National Law Enforcement Census 2023.

The above means that Guanajuato is consistently among the first places in the fight against crime and seizure of firearms, being one of the Mexican States where the State police has managed to seize a significant number of weapons, which is an important indicator of its great performance.

The Secretary of Public Security of the State of Guanajuato will continue to develop operative actions in collaboration with different authorities to strengthen actions in the fight against crime and criminal behavior.