All over the State of Guanajuato everything is ready to celebrate another anniversary of the start of the fight for Independence of Mexico. In
All over the State of Guanajuato everything is ready to celebrate another anniversary of the start of the fight for Independence of Mexico.

In Leon buildings and iconic places are alight with the patriotic colors.

In San Miguel de Allende the streets are full of green, white and red flags and ornaments in one of the historical scenarios of the movement of Independence for Mexico.

Dolores Hidalgo Craddle of National Independence is immersed in activities that gather representatives of all the municipalities of Guanajuato that take to their cities the Symbolic Fire that represents the flame of Freedom of Mexico.

Guanajuato City has lots of tourists and visitors who go around its alleys and who visit its historical places that were scenarios of the fight of Guanajuatenses to achieve Freedom for Mexico.

This is how Guanajuato gets ready to celebrate another anniversary this September 15 and 16.
Guanajuato/Gto News