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Guanajuato is Epicenter of agro-industry

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Guanajuato is Epicenter of agro-industry

Irapuato is the host of the 26th Edition of the Expo-Agroalimentaria and the Global Agro-Foods Forum 2021 In the event there is exchange, busi

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Irapuato is the host of the 26th Edition of the Expo-Agroalimentaria and the Global Agro-Foods Forum 2021

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In the event there is exchange, business, knowledge and consolidation of world ecosystem of agro-industry

Irapuato/Gto News

Guanajuato with the Expo Agroalimentaria and the Global Agro-Foods Forum 2021, proves its commitment to promote a competitive agriculture sector that bets on new technologies.



Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo said  that these events promote the Exchange of ideas, businesses, knowledge and consolidation of the world ecosystem of the agro-industrial sector.

“In Guanajuato we are proud of having these two events, some of the most important in this sector in Mexico and abroad, and which occur today simutaneously in Irapuato, events that are full of innovation, development and knowledge”, said the Governor.

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A modern agriculture sector

Governors of Guanajuato, said Rodriguez Vallejo, have always bet on the development of agriculture, with programs and actions that have helped integrate a modern and sustainable agriculture sector.

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2nd export sector

Public policies have consolidated agro-industry which accounts for the 17% of the GDP of Guanajuato; in 2020 this sector exported more than US1,866 million dollars, the second place in exports in Guanajuato.

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Exports and jobs

There are 177 companies that export agriculture products, mainly to USA, Canada, Japan and Europe generating 35 thousand jobs.

Also the agriculture sector is 7th in Mexico in value for its production and represents 4.2 per cent of the National Agriculture GDP.

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A well positioned industry

In Mexico it is the 5th place in production with a participation of a 5.4% of the GDP of this sector.

Guanajuato is 1st place in Mexico in production of broccoli, barley, mushrooms, lettuce and carrots.

Guanajuato is second place in production of agave, garlic, alfalfa, onion, sorgum, wheat and…

It is third place in asparragus and strawberry.

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Vision of future

Expo Agroalimentaria reflects the development of agriculture in Guanajuato, the State was able to, in 3 decades go from an agroindustrial economy to an agroindustrial power and that has ocurred paired with the 26 editions of the Expo Agroalimentaria; this evolution owes a lot to the vision of future and to the promotion of knowledge within the exhibition.

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A complete exhibition

From November 9th to the 12th at the Expo Agroalimentaria there will be international businesses, 62 hectareas whith: experimental crops in greenhouses and lots, exhibition of agriculture machinery, area of exhibition of supplies and area of exhibition of machinery.

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The most important event

The Gobal Agro-Foods Forum is the most important event of the sector in Mexico and the most important in the world.

In this event, Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo presented the Agricultural National Prize 2021 to Grupo Santamarina and Steta, this prize notes the work of these agro-foods Mexican companies for a culture of quality.