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Guanajuato invests against HIV

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Guanajuato invests against HIV

With an investment for 111 MP the application of rapid tests has increased, making it possible to find 422 new cases in 2022. The timely supply of th

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With an investment for 111 MP the application of rapid tests has increased, making it possible to find 422 new cases in 2022. The timely supply of these drugs allows for undetectable virus in patients

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Guanajuato/Gto News

Guanajuato closed the year 2022 with a total investment of 111 million pesos in antiretroviral treatments, promoting virus control of up to 97% in carrier patients.

Clases master

This control has generated that they have a better quality of life and thus prevent the virus from spreading further among the population, recognized Dr. Daniel Alberto Diaz Martinez, head of the Gto Health System.

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Guanajuato is the fourth state with the lowest incidence rate for HIV with 100.83 per 100,000 inhabitants.

The head of the Gto Health System reported that 68.39% of the total population diagnosed with HIV is cared for in this system, with a low mortality rate of 1.4 per 100,000 inhabitants.

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The screening of the population between 25 and 44 years old, allowed last year to carry out 90,916 detections with rapid tests of HIV, achieving the timely diagnosis of 422 new cases, as well as their admission to treatment.

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Currently, a total of 3,183 patients living with HIV are being treated in Guanajuato actively, resulting in a virological control of 97%, a figure that exceeds the goal established by the World Health Organization –WHO-.

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In 2022, 27,510 services were attended in Sexually Transmitted Infections, STIs, for the first time where guidance is implemented in compliance with HIV prevention through the correct use of condoms.

At the 567 health units of the first level of care a total of 3 million 808 thousand 326 condoms were provided.

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