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Guanajuato has a reliable, efficient health system

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Guanajuato has a reliable, efficient health system

SSG will increase and improve its attention to Guanajuatenses in 2024 Guanajuato/Gto News The Gto Health System will redouble the care of the p

The Gto Health System works against tuberculosis
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SSG will increase and improve its attention to Guanajuatenses in 2024

Guanajuato/Gto News

The Gto Health System will redouble the care of the population without social affiliation by 2024, anticipated Dr. Daniel Diaz Martinez, Secretary of Health.

Diaz Martinez reported that Guanajuato residents have a consolidated and efficient GTO Health System, which guarantees access, free and quality services in the 46 municipalities, to provide care for more than 3 million non-entitled people, with a focus on providing primary care.

Gto Health System Guanajuato 3

The Gto Health Sytem provides care based on:

  • 16 Comprehensive Networks
  • 22 Specialized Networks
  • 590 medical units
  • 42 hospitals

“We have trained and updated personnel, prioritizing person-centered care through epidemiological and health surveillance actions, promotion and prevention of diseases, prevention of addictions and permanent access to mental health services”, said Diaz.

Gto  4Health System Guanajuato

Other services provided by the Gto Health System and which will be improved are:

  • Timely detection of metabolic, hearing or developmental disabilities in girls and boys
  • Detection and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases
  • Cancer in children and women
  • High-cost diseases
  • Transfusion medicine services
  • State public health laboratory
  • Organ procurement and transplantation
  • Palliative care

“This way we reduce out-of-pocket spending with a consolidated system for the supply of medicines and health supplies, in addition to contributing to the food security of infants through our breastfeeding policy, the Gto Health System is recognized as the best health system in Mexico”, said Diaz Martinez.