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Guanajuato: Good numbers in export

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Guanajuato: Good numbers in export

COFOCE presents the closing figures for the 3rd quarter of 2022 with positive numbers Guanajuato maintains double-digit growth in exports at the e

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COFOCE presents the closing figures for the 3rd quarter of 2022 with positive numbers

Guanajuato maintains double-digit growth in exports at the end of the third quarter of 2022

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Leon/Gto News

The Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade of Guanajuato –COFOCE- released the updated export figures for the third quarter of 2022 for Mexico and Guanajuato.

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With the accumulated numbers in Mexico until September 2022, we can celebrate that Mexican exports have been increasing compared to the same period in 2021.

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Luis Ernesto Rojas Avila, general director of COFOCE , said that, from January to September 2022, exports from Guanajuato reached a historical maximum of more than 23 billion dollars, a positive variation of 17% compared to the same period of the previous year.

From July to September 2022 only, Guanajuato exported more than 8 billion dollars, with an annual variation of 26% compared to the same period in 2021.

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“Within the sectors of incidence, the agro-food sector stands out, it had a growth of 18% compared to the same period of 2021, no doubt it is a figure that continues to position Guanajuato as the first place in exports in this sector at a national level”, said Luis Ernesto Rojas Avila, general director of COFOCE.

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“Guanajuato remains in the first place of exports in Mexico, being a non-border State; similarly, Guanajuato maintains its position as the 6th place in exports in Mexico”, reported the general director of COFOCE after an analysis of the information presented by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography –INEGI-.

In this third quarter July-September of 2022, the subsectors with the highest growth were:

  • Manufacturing of machinery and equipment, manufacturing of clothes, plastic and rubber industry, basic metal industries, textile inputs and finishes, and leather finishing tanning and fur; same industries that generated 31% of the State’s exports
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“As we can see, all sectors continue to have growth above two digits, which we estimate is the same trend for the closing statistics of 2022. In the same way, we expect significant growth in the footwear and handicrafts sector”- said Rojas Ávila.

COFOCE works in collaboration with Guanajuato businessmen so that Guanajuato’s exports continue to grow, and the State can maintain constant growth during this 2023.

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To learn more about the national and State cindition of opportunities that your company could have in marketing its products abroad, contact COFOCE at:

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