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Guanajuato first place in attention to illiteracy

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Guanajuato first place in attention to illiteracy

More than 55,000 people learned to read, write and completed primary and secondary education with INAEBA The state agency exceeds the annual goal

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More than 55,000 people learned to read, write and completed primary and secondary education with INAEBA

The state agency exceeds the annual goal of 2022

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Leon/Gto News

With 55,779 graduates, the Institute for Adult Literacy and Basic Education –INAEBA- , managed to place Guanajuato in first place in the nation in terms of the number of people who learned to read, write or that they completed their primary and secondary education during 2022.

Clases master

According to data from the National Institute for Adult Education –INEA-:

  • Guanajuato is first place with 55 mil 779 graduates
  • Coahuila is second place, with 32,522 graduates
  • San Luis Potosi is third place with 30 thousand 711
  • State of Mexico is fourth place with 28 thousand 210
  • Chiapas is fifth place, with 24 thousand 198
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By educational level and sex, the 55,779 people who completed their educational process with INAEBA are distributed as follows:

  • 661 women and 567 men learned to read and write
  • 7 thousand 899 women and 8 thousand 310 men finished primary school
  • 19 thousand 087 women and 19 thousand 255 men certified the secondary level
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By age range, the largest number of population served by INAEBA during 2022, is in:

  • People between 15 and 19 years of age who have completed some level of education
  • 33 women and 55 men completed their literacy process
  • Elementary school, 868 women and 963 men
  • Secondary school, 5,020 women and 5,811 men finished it
  • A total of 12,750 people served
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17-year-old Luis Alberto Hernandez Garcia is in that age group, who this year certified his high school with INAEBA. 

Luis Alberto recalled that he dropped out of school when he finished sixth grade, later he went to work to support the family economy.

Shortly after, a friend who learned about the services of the State Agency recommended that he go to INAEBA in order to finish his secondary education. 

He is now ready to continue with the next stage “I am going to study high school, God willing, for next year, to get a good career. I’m thinking of taking a career in criminology.”

He assures that it was the perfect Christmas gift for his family, “it was a real surprise for my dad, because he wanted me to study high school; it took him by surprise, he was happy”.

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Isaias Garcia Galvez, 16, studied primary and secondary school online at a US school. However, he did not have an official document that endorsed his education, so his parents investigated and found the INAEBA education services, asked for advice and obtained both official certificates.

He is currently studying his high school at the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato -UVEG-. For Isaias, the importance of education is a privilege, that is how his parents instilled it in him and he has very clear goals.

“My goal for 2023 is to finish high school and start to see possibilities to study a major,” he said.

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