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Guanajuato contacts paisanos in Ukraine

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Guanajuato contacts paisanos in Ukraine

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The East European country is at war with Russia after the invasion of the military power

Governor of Guanajuato ordered to provide support for Guanajuatenses

Guanajuato/Gto News

The Government of the State of Guanajuato through the Secretary of Migrant and Foreign Affairs –SMEI- maintains contact with Guanajuatenses in Ukraine.


7 Guanajuatenses

Juan Hernandez, the head of the Secretary said that, until now the Embassy of Mexico in Ukraine has a registry of 235 Mexicans living in Ukraine, and of those 7 are from Guanajuato.

“Governor of Guanajuato has ordered that we should offer the necessary support to any Guanajuatense who is in Ukraine amid this terrible crisis”, said Hernandez.

Guanajuatenses in Ukraine 3

A leonesa in Ukraine

The secretary said that SMEI had contact with Lia Tovar, a Guanajuatense from Leon, who has worked as a Spanish teacher in this area of Europe for more than 10 years and who through her social networks has described how she has lived through this situation of crisis.

Guanajuatenses in Ukraine 4

“She says that the Mexican Embassy in Ukraine has secured buses for her and other Mexicans, we don’t know if other Guanajuatenses are still here to help them get out from Ukraine immediately and take them to Romania, we will keep in contact with her, we hope we can get in touch with other Guanajuatenses too”

Juan Hernandez, Secretary of SMEI

A long way

“We are going out on a bus that the Embassy was able to get, no one wants to go out on a road, everybody wants to go out of the country to go across the border and go to Romania, Poland, Slovakia and a long road is waiting for us. We know that very possibly we will have to be many hours on the road in the bus, standing. We will arrive in Romania and from there on the other side of the border people from the Mexican Embassy will be waiting for us. We will have to walk a little so that it is easier to crosss that part and someone will pick us up there”, said Tovar.

Clases master

Guanajuatenses in Ukraine or their relatives can contact SMEI at:

  • 4737350150 in Guanajuato
  • 8002154441 Long Distance in Mexico
  • 18889572811 Long Distance Abroad
  • Social Networks SMEI: @MigranteGto
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