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Guanajuato conserves indigenous tongues

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Guanajuato conserves indigenous tongues

The main languages ​​spoken are Uza or Chichimeca Jonaz, Otomi Purepecha and Mixteco Guanajuato bets on the preservation of mother tongues

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The main languages ​​spoken are Uza or Chichimeca Jonaz, Otomi Purepecha and Mixteco

Guanajuato bets on the preservation of mother tongues

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San Luis de la Paz/Gto News

One of the efforts of the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato –SEG-, focuses on the preservation of the native languages, through the strengthening of the leadership of education and school authorities in the promotion of traditions and customs of native peoples.

Clases master

SEG works to preserve the Uza or Chichimeca Jonaz, Otomi or Hnahnu, Purepecha and Mixteco languages, which are present in 41 basic level schools, in the municipalities of Acambaro, Comonfort, Dolores Hidalgo, Leon, San Luis de la Paz, San Miguel de Allende, Tierra Blanca and Victoria, where these type of education services are provided to 8,779 students.

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Recently, Jorge Enrique Hernandez Meza, Secretary of Education, visited the Miguel Hidalgo elementary school, in Cieneguilla, Tierra Blanca, where he participated in an Otomi ritual and witnessed the effort of the educational community to keep their mother tongue alive and stressed that the rescue of native languages ​​is everyone’s task, therefore, “promoting the sustainable development of indigenous communities is a priority, since it is a privilege to have their knowledge, memory and legacy, in Guanajuato.”

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The SEG has 56 indigenous language teachers, who are a fundamental piece for the implementation of strategies and actions that favor the integration into the educational process, of the cultural manifestations that promote, develop and form both the identity and the values ​​of the students who are part of each social group.

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“It is more effective within the training process to involve the students within their own context, with a meaning that is embodied in their own reality and their culture,” said Celestino Garcia Cruz, director of the Miguel Hidalgo indigenous primary school, in Cieneguilla, Tierra Blanca.


For the teacher Joaquin Morales de Leon, in charge of teaching the indigenous language to nearly 400 girls and boys students of the Lazaro Cardenas and Justo Sierra elementary schools in the town of Rio Laja, in Dolores Hidalgo, it is essential to preserve dialects and languages since they promote social inclusion, promote peace, contribute to the diversity of values ​​and cultures and promote the development of human rights.

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“Native languages ​​connect us with our origin, with our identity and with our history and allow us to build our future, therefore, it is a very important effort in which we should all participate,” said Alejandro Garcia Lopez, a language teacher at Alfonso Caso elementary school, in San Luis de la Paz, originally from the Mision de Chichimecas community, who mentioned that in this institution he achieved his dream of helping his community.

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In the 41 education centers where indigenous education is taught, actions are promoted to reinforce identity and promote interculturality through the cultural manifestations of each context, such as music, dance, clothing, singing, gastronomy and traditions.

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The Secretary of Education of Guanajuato, remains firm in the task of promoting the learning of the mother tongue in the classroom, as well as providing teachers with the didactic tools to strengthen the language and culture, to guarantee the right to receive education in the native language.

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