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Guanajuato certificates its work force

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Guanajuato certificates its work force

In Guanajuato, talent is developed and the professional vocation ofGuanajuatenses is recognized The SDES strengthens the different job skills of G

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In Guanajuato, talent is developed and the professional vocation of
Guanajuatenses is recognized

The SDES strengthens the different job skills of Guanajuatenses

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Irapuato/Gto News

Guanajuato strengthens the professionalization of Guanajuatenses to improve their productivity and employability and to guarantee the quality of the workforce.


The Service for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competencies “CERTIFICATE” of the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development (SDES), benefited 1,392 Guanajuatenses in the last year.

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Ramon Alfaro Gomez, head of SDES, highlighted that the public policies led by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo in the economy, have as their main objective to promote the productive plant of Guanajuato, and with this improve the quality of life of Guanajuato residents.

Clases master

So far this year, 719 women and 673 men from the 46 municipalities of Guanajuato have been certified, among them:

  • Celaya, Leon, Irapuato, San Jose Iturbide, Salamanca, San Francisco del Rincon, San Felipe, Valle de Santiago and Silao and Comonfort.

Some of the profiles that were certified were:

  • Real estate agent, CNC adjuster, personal image consultant, social worker, development of entrepreneurial projects, basic level pre-hospital care, recruitment and selection of operational and administrative personnel, provision of customer service client, among other
CERTIFICATE Training Guanajuato 4

The certification program seeks to recognize the talent of people in various trades and positions through the evaluation of knowledge so that they can access a better job by having a certificate or proof that supports their experience, achieving a better quality of life.

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