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Innovation and creativity are recognized

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Innovation and creativity are recognized

The Governor gave the lecture "The Valley of Mindfacture for Social Evolution" The Mindfacture 2023 awards were granted to Guanajuatenses with inn

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The Governor gave the lecture “The Valley of Mindfacture for Social Evolution”

The Mindfacture 2023 awards were granted to Guanajuatenses with innovative projects

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, gave the master lecture, “The Valley of Mindfacture for Social Evolution”, as part of the activities of the State Day of Mindfacture and awarded recognitions to Guanajuatenses who lead outstanding projects in innovation.

Clases master

“We are very happy to celebrate the State Day of Mindfacture in Guanajuato, with this series of activities for two days. And nothing better than do it by celebrating innovation, entrepreneurship, science, technology and creativity”, said the Governor.

The Governor spoke about a vision of the State, the ecosystem of the Valley of Mindfacture, projects, Innovation and Social Evolution.

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“In Guanajuato we like strategic planning. 30 years ago, there was a vision of the current Guanajuato, that of an industrial power. And today we have the vision of Guanajuato for the next 30 years, which is the Guanajuato of the knowledge economy, that of Mindfacture and industry 4.0”, said the Governor.

“We made Mindfacture a public policy with measurable objectives and a transversal strategy, having innovation as its central axis”, said the Governor.

The ecosystem that Guanajuato built during the last three decades is made up of universities, research centers, incubators, industrial parks, etc., which was given an identity as the “Valley of Mindfacture “. 

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A public policy that has already been recognized internationally.

Guanajuato exports successful experiences of innovation and social evolution that contribute to the solution of problems that affect human beings throughout the world.

Rodriguez Vallejo spoke of the strategic alliances with this public policy, such as the one made with UNESCO, an organization with which they work to systematize the Mindfacture in Guanajuato, and thus maintain a transversal and inclusive impact, which transcends state borders and links to Guanajuato with other States, Countries and international organizations.

“Our vision is to strengthen this ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship. Always keep it dynamic, for example, through pitch sessions (as it occurs with the Hannover Messe); investment events, hackathons and other activities”, said the Rodriguez Vallejo.

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The Governor said that in Guanajuato, any citizen who wants to start a business in Guanajuato is supported through different channels; and the gateway is IDEA GTO, where they have mentors, incubators and accelerators.

Rodriguez Vallejo explained that the State Government has the Mindfacture Projects, which has deployed the “Mentefactúralo” Fund of 100 million pesos, which has resulted in 51 incubation and acceleration projects, 650 pre-incubation projects in Innovation Gyms and Entrepreneurship, 35 projects of new products and solutions to the Valley of Mindfacture, 350 supports in training talent for mentors and investors and 10 incubators promoted.


Guanajuato also has the NODES of Mindfacture, which are the transfer of knowledge to citizens, training them in a new way of producing and generating income as a cooperative.

Currently there are 9 NODES operating, and 5 more in initial stages, dedicated to hydroponics, plastic wood, bio-fertilizer, hygiene, essences, and food technology.

There are also 30 Innovation and Entrepreneurship gyms, where we support the ideas and projects of the entrepreneurs of Guanajuato.

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In addition, the Mentefacturalo Fund supports projects that meet the needs of the environment, health and development of people in all municipalities. “And all this is what we call the Mindfacture for Social Evolution,” Rodriguez Vallejo said.

For this reason, in Guanajuato we know and recognize the people, projects and institutions that are promoting the Guanajuato of the future, who are building the Greatness of the Valley of Mindfacture.

The Governor of Guanajuato presented the Recognitions to the Mindfacture in the five categories:

  • Inspiration and impulse to a conscious ecosystem
  • Science with a purpose
  • Innovation triple business impact
  • Impact Solutions
  • Public Innovation
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This recognition is through a statuette of great value made by artisans and designers from Guanajuato, with 3D design and printing.

Winner and categories:

In the category Inspiration and promotion of a Conscious Ecosystem, the winner is Jairo Azuela Infante from the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Gym of the Polytechnic University of Penjamo

In the Science with Purpose category, the winner is Juan Pablo Serrano Rubio from the Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Irapuato

In the category, Triple Business Impact Innovation, the winner is Valeria Arellano Delgado

In the Impact Solutions category, the winner is Alma Hortensia Serafin Munoz from the University of Guanajuato

In the Public Innovation category, the winner is the Congress of the State of Guanajuato, the statuette was received by Representative Victor Zanella, representing the legislative power.

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The winners in these categories also received a trip as a prize to continue developing their vision of innovation, with three possible destinations, Catalonia, India and Germany.

Allies of the Innovation ecosystem were also recognized, with the delivery of two Emblem Awards to people who, with their experience and knowledge, have changed Guanajuato:

  • Fernando Cuadra, Founder of Grupo Cuadra
  • Chris Barton, Founder of Shazam

On April 21, the State Day of the Mindfacture was decreed, with the intention of being aligned with the World Day of Creativity and Innovation that the UN celebrates every year.

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