Libia Dennise takes part of the extraordinary meeting of CONCAMIN Bajio in Leon Both parts agree to join efforts to care for vulnerable sectors
Libia Dennise takes part of the extraordinary meeting of CONCAMIN Bajio in Leon
Both parts agree to join efforts to care for vulnerable sectors
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Leon/Gto News
The Secretary of Social and Human Development –SEDESHU-, Libia Dennise Garcia, participated in the extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers –CONCAMIN- Bajío Region held in Leon.

The purpose of the event was to strengthen ties between the State Government and Civil Society, as well as designing strategies between both parties for the benefit of the vulnerable population, the head of SEDESHU exposed the current situation of Guanajuato in economic, educational, health, security, housing, infrastructure, social participation, among other.

“The challenges that we attend to in the Ministry of Social and Human Development are, to any extent, multidimensional and involve the work not only of the government, but also of society, and I believe that this is where we can create an interesting synergy to be able to face these challenges”, said Libia Dennise.
The president of CONCAMIN Bajio, Ismael Plascencia Nunez, said that these types of meetings serve to define how the private initiative can continue to add and work in coordination with the State Government through SEDESHU to support those who need it most, “we do ask, we do demand, but we also work together and cooperate with our part”, said Plascencia.

Among the most relevant aspects mentioned by the secretary Libia Dennise, most noted are that Guanajuato has solid finances and is the fifth largest economy in Mexico, which represents 4.2% of the income of Mexico; also, Libia emphasized that Guanajuato managed to position itself as the sixth State that most reduced poverty in Mexico, according to the latest study by the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy –Coneval-.
Libia presented the achievements through the ‘Guanajuato Contigo Si’ Strategy, an initiative that aims to meet the basic needs of Guanajuatense families in an integral way.

“Now more than ever we have to understand that our social policy should not be a welfare policy, it should be a subsidiary policy, that we do not lose the culture of making an effort, for us Guanajuatenses it has always been very important to understand that with the fruit of our work is how we can get ahead. Society and government together working for the greatness of Guanajuato”, concluded Libia Dennise.
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