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Guanajuato 2nd.  place with more Cinema

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Guanajuato 2nd.  place with more Cinema

The realization of film festivals and events has represented since 2018 for Guanajuato an increase in the number of jobs, hotel occupancy, economic i

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The realization of film festivals and events has represented since 2018 for Guanajuato an increase in the number of jobs, hotel occupancy, economic income, tourist attraction

The film industry has become an opportunity to show the cultural, material and immaterial beauty of Guanajuato

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Guanajuato/Gto News

From 2018 to date, Guanajuato is ranked number 2 nationwide with more film festivals and events, according to the Mexican Institute of Cinematography -IMCINE-.


According to the most recent IMCINE Mexican Film Statistical Yearbook, it indicates that the gradual recovery of social and economic life led to 222 film festivals and events taking place in Mexico during 2021 (38% more than in 2020), of which Guanajuato concentrated 9%, only behind Mexico City that concentrated 28% of these festivals.

BJX Film Guanajuato Support

The film and audiovisual industry in Guanajuato is constantly surpassing and reinventing itself, thanks to the coordination and participation of organizations and institutions such as the Guanajuato State Film Commission -CFGTO-, an organization in charge of the Ministry of Tourism, which supports economic incentives that the State Government grants to film and audiovisual projects.

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One of the newest festivals of the seventh art in Guanajuato is the “BJX International Film Fwestival of El Bajío” -which ended last night in Guanajuato capital-, it brought together for 5 days renowned film talents such as actor Damian Alcazar; the Cubans Mirtha Ibarra and Eslinda Nunez, the filmmaker Manuel Herrera; Gabriel Horner, director of the Museum of the City in Queretaro; and “Tinieblas”, a special guest to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Mummies of Guanajuato, a film in which the wrestler participated along with El Santo and Blue Demon, whom the festival recognized with the “Corazon del Bajio” distinction, in only one of the film events in Guanajuato.

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With the State of Guanajuato, this festival, just like the Guanajuato International Film Festival –GIFF- and the SUSTEFEST, among other, concentrates its effort in making of the film art a reality that is within the reach of all audiences, it allows for new audiences to come close to national and international films and promotes the participation of new creators and the artistic community to produce audio-visual expressions in Guanajuato.

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Through the CFGTO, Guanajuato, one of the most important favorite states in Mexico for the Film industry, occupying the 8th. National Position in film activity, promotes holding festivals, competitions, exhibitions and other similar activities related to the film and audiovisual industry, which has the “Fund for the Promotion of Film and Audiovisual Activities”.

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The realization of film festivals represents for Guanajuato an increase in the number of jobs, hotel occupancy, economic income, attraction of tourists, and the mechanism to reflect through Film and Audiovisual productions the cultural, material and immaterial beauty of Guanajuato.

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For more information, visit:

In this page good practices, services, and support provided by the Guanajuato State Film Commission are concentrated.

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