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Guanajuatenses go to INFOMATRIX 2022

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Guanajuatenses go to INFOMATRIX 2022

Teams have a good performance in the Latin American Contest of Student Projects in Science and Technology Students and teachers of the Instituto T

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Teams have a good performance in the Latin American Contest of Student Projects in Science and Technology

Students and teachers of the Instituto Tecnologico Superior of Purisima del Rincon win gold and bronze in Science and Technology Contest

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

Karen Yareth Flores Navarro and Jose Asuncion Lopez Martinez, and the teacher Guillermo Garcia Rodriguez of the Superior Technological Institute of Purisima del Rincon, were selected to participate in the international INFOMATRIX event, to be held in June in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

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Three teams

The Superior Technological Institute of Purisima del Rincon participated with three teams, each made up of two students and an advisor, and they did a good job among more than 276 projects presented in the Latin American Contest of Student Projects in Science and Technology, INFOMATRIX 2022 in its national stage.  

INFOMATRIX Purísima Guanajuato

Made of gold

The “MCE-App” team, made up of Karen Flores, Jose Asuncion Lopez and Guillermo Garcia, won the Gold Award and their pass to the international stage of the contest with a device that performs real-time monitoring of multiple ergonomic physical conditions indoors, through a mobile application based on Android Studio, which makes it posible to do tasks that increase productivity in organizations and improve academic achievement in students.

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Third place

Marco Antonio Rios Garcia and Evelyn Estefania Zermeno Lopez, and their advisor Diego Eduardo Morales Lopez, are members of the “Sign Glove” team, winner of the bronze medal in the competition, with a robot project that aims to increase inclusion and create more opportunities for the hearing impaired.

INFOMATRIX Purísima Guanajuato 5

A special team

The third team that represented the institution won the fourth place in the competition and received a special mention, Jasiel Pablo Garcia Serrano and Mayra Alejandra Oliva Aguilar, and their advisor Diego Eduardo Morales, made up the “Monitor APP” team. They designed a mobile app for a Gestational Monitor that records the heart rate of pregnant women and their babies, this app will be really useful in prenatal control.

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Since 2007

INFOMATRIX Latin America is an event that has been held since 2007, by the name of Multimedia Project, organized by the Latin American Society of Science and Technology (SOLACYT), its goal is to support young people in taking their school projects to a higher level, by presenting them to the community and have them applied in the social environment and then become factors of change, innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Secretary of Education of Guanajuato recognized the initiative and commitment of students, teachers and staff of the Superior Technological Institute of Purisima del Rincon for promoting the talent of the young people of our State and promoting the development of their technological skills.

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