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Guanajuatenses are helped to find a job

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Guanajuatenses are helped to find a job

Virtual and face-to-face workshops are held to promote recruitment and selection processes People who have it difficult to find a job, young peopl

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Virtual and face-to-face workshops are held to promote recruitment and selection processes

People who have it difficult to find a job, young people without work experience and the general public are benefitted

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Irapuato/Gto News

In the present State Administration, more than 27 thousand people have benefited through workshops for job seekers; these consultancies have the objective of providing information to facilitate the job search process.}


One of the priorities of the state administration headed by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, is to provide people with the tools so that they can join the labor market.

The head of the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, Ramon Alfaro Gomez specified that these trainings are aimed at those who have it difficult to find a job, young people without work experience and the general public.

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This service has the purpose of increasing the ability of people to find and keep a job according to their profile and expectations, through knowledge of job search techniques and tools.

Alfaro Gomez added that this tool increases the possibilities to participate in the recruitment and selection processes of companies in Guanajuato, particularly those who, even though they have the required skills, continue to search for a job opportunity.

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The workshops can be virtual or face-to-face, and they include topics related to the sources of information for vacancies, the job interview process, filling out the job application and the integration of the curriculum vitae, the evaluation instruments of the applicant and decision making.

In addition, recommendations are formulated to acquire and develop skills, retain employment and achieve constant occupational improvement.

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The workshop participants increase their chances of obtaining quality employment in the short term. These workshops are given through the Undersecretary of Employment and Labor Training.

The SDES works on actions to provide useful and accessible information to know step by step the stages to search for and find a job.

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