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Guanajuatense mosaics for the world

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Guanajuatense mosaics for the world

Todo en Mosaico, a company dedicated to handicrafts in floors, already reaches several countries with its products showing the quality of its creatio

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Todo en Mosaico, a company dedicated to handicrafts in floors, already reaches several countries with its products showing the quality of its creations

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Leon/Gto News

A grain of sand, cement and marble from Guanajuatense reaches various parts of the world, literally through the mosaics made by Guanajuatense artisans who collaborate in the company Todo de Mosaico.


Marcelo Beltran, general director of the Todo en Mosaico company in Leon, said that it is a company that was born 7 years ago, starting from scratch with a market niche in finishes with a Moroccan influence.

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“First, COFOCE opened our eyes, to be able to see that there is a market outside of the Mexican market, which is demanding, but with quality, we can reach that market, it is a market that is highly profitable”, said Marcelo Beltran.

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The company Official talked about going into the world of exports, since COFOCE through training, advice, support and legal procedures, has supported the company so that this artisan product raises the name of Guanajuato in the world.

Until now they have exported to Panama, Central America, Europe, but most of their product goes to the United States.

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“The added value that we have here, the most important thing that we have in this company, is our people, for us the process of people is to go from being workers to being artisans, the people we have here are artisans, who are committed to their work , in each piece they make they put their heart and that is what makes up the company in the end”, said Beltran.

The company oficial recognized the support he has had from COFOCE, in order to have access to fairs in the United States, where they opened the market with potential clients, to national fairs, where they link up with international suppliers and which, in addition to opening their minds, has opened doors for the export.

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Challenges when exporting

When they began to export, like any company that starts from scratch, they faced several problems that little by little and with the support of COFOCE they managed to overcome.

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“The biggest challenge is to have the consumer trust in us, they are the person who buy from us, the part of the commercial strategies, have also been very important; alliances with distributors and I believe that the part of trustworthiness that we give as a company; both in the quality part and the part of delivering on time and our commitments, in the guarantees”, said Beltran. 

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Leonese Pride in Quintana Roo.

Marcelo Beltran said he is proud the company worked in the decoration of walls for a hotel of one of the most important chains of parks and hotels in the Riviera Maya, because it is a window of possibilities and mainly of admiration of the art of Guanajuato.

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“Collaborating with the Xcaret hotels project with its 5-star format, of grand tourism, which is the Casa de la Playa and the Hotel Arte de Xcaret, for us it is a pride of Leon, it is a pride of Guanajuato, knowing that we are on the walls of that building where tourists, mostly European, American and Canadian, and national tourism, while they are taking a shower, are observing the art of the Xcaret tree of life, made by Guanajuatense artisans ”, said Beltran.

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To learn more about the national and State panorama and the opportunities that your company could have in marketing its products abroad, contact COFOCE at:

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