More handicrafts from Guanajuato are in the world thanks to the collaboration of COFOCE and NOVICA With the subscription service, NOVICA sends an
More handicrafts from Guanajuato are in the world thanks to the collaboration of COFOCE and NOVICA
With the subscription service, NOVICA sends an artisan box with Mexican products to international members
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Leon/Gto News
The Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade (COFOCE) and the online platform NOVICA, sent a handmade box with Mexican products to its subscribers.

With the quarterly membership offered on the website, 500 fully customized boxes were sold in the pre-sale stage, bringing more Guanajuato to the world.
This project includes handicrafts from all over Mexico, most of which are original from Guanajuato, and consists of an artisans box full of handmade treasures that promote the arts and crafts sold at NOVICA.

NOVICA’s Inventory and Sourcing Manager, Emanuel Milan commented on the strategy with which this handmade box is being promoted.
“Now we have campaigns to promote this box through many social networks where we present the handmade product by many producers, the subscribers provileged, but from here on it will be new customers. Thanks to the quarterly subscription we managed to take 500 of these boxes internationally”, said Milan.

This box with artisans products went on sale in two stages: a pre-sale exclusive for subscribers; of which 500 pieces have already been sold. And the second stage was for sale to the general public, offering a 15% discount on the platform for a limited time, in addition to other exclusive promotions that can be found on the NOVICA website.

One of the handcrafted pieces included in this box is made in the jewelry store of Edith Orozco Segoviano, an artisan from Guanajuato who makes paper paste jewelry.
“Being part of this project represents a great satisfaction for me and the entire Edith Orozco Jewelry team because that means that our products have the highest quality, design and that they are also made with all of our heart. That makes us really proud because we can reach more countries and bring quality products of Guanajuato, made with a lot of love and which gives jobs to many more people,” said Orozco Segoviano.

Thanks to the collaborative work between NOVICA and COFOCE, this projects is being fulfilled with the work of Jorge Godinez Martinez , Director of the COFOCE Crafts, Decoration and Furniture Sector, who served as a link for these artisan companies with the platform and with more advisors from COFOCE.
“Up to 70% of the products included in the box are proudly from Guanajuato and it even has space for the buyer to select more handicrafts, both from Guanajuato and from other parts of Mexico, which have a catalog of products offered by the platform”, said Godinez Martinez.

Buyers of this digital platform are mainly in the United States, however, with this online sales strategy, Mexican handicrafts have managed to reach new countries such as Israel and Singapore.

To know more or be part of the programs of COFOCE to promote companies in this sector, contact COFOCE at:
Subscribe and order your box at:
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