The State Secretary of Health promotes preventive actions that Guanajuatenses can observe to maintain a healthy and strong teeth Salamanca/Gto New
The State Secretary of Health promotes preventive actions that Guanajuatenses can observe to maintain a healthy and strong teeth
Salamanca/Gto News
World Oral Health Day is commemorated in the month of March and in the units corresponding to the Health Jurisdiction V Salamanca, different oral services are offered, among them:
- Dental cleaning
- Amalgam and resin filling that consists of cleaning the oral cavity and restoring teeth damaged by cavities
- Dental extractions
- Application of fluoride
- X-rays of the dental area
- Pharmacotherapy if necessary
- Permanent actions in educational institutions for the prevention of cavities

Lately, the main causes of oral diseases are caused by a diet high in sugar, tobacco and alcohol, being a public health problem.

The biggest condition that afflicts the Guanajuato population in their oral health is dental cavities, which are caused by bacterial plaque, which adheres to the teeth, gums and tongue.
Oral problems begin from the first years of life and increase with age, which could explain why an adult, between 35 and 44 years old, has already lost an average of 6 teeth, while adults older than 64 to 74 years old have lost some 18 teeth.

The correct way to have good and comprehensive oral health is:
- Brush your teeth and gums at least twice a day
- Consider that the bacteria that cause cavities feed on food remains, so brushing after eating and before sleeping helps prevent them
- Floss once a day
- Visit the dentist every six months to prevent and detect oral diseases in a timely manner, such as cavities
- Eat a diet low in sugar
- Eat correctly, with a healthy, varied and sufficient diet
- The prevention of dental diseases should start from the youngest children, with cleaning the gums and tongue in babies at least once a day
- If stains or pain are detected in some of the teeth, or bad odor in the mouth, go to a dental office immediately

You should go to a dental office immediately if you experience the following symptoms:
- Pain in teeth, for no apparent reason or caused by food, drinks, brushing or flossing
- Sensitivity to hot or cold drinks or foods
- Red or swollen gums
- Bleeding gums when brushing teeth
- Bad breath
- Loose teeth