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Gto Health System calls to protect against heat

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Gto Health System calls to protect against heat

This year 137 minors have received attention due to symptoms related to high temperaturas Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en esp

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This year 137 minors have received attention due to symptoms related to high temperaturas

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

Due to the high temperatures in the municipalities of Manuel Doblado, San Francisco del Rincón, Purísima del Rincón, Romita and Silao, the Gto Health System through the Sanitary Jurisdiction VIII recommends that the population observe certain precautions in this hot, vacation season.


During the hot season, gastrointestinal diseases generally increase due to the increase in temperature, these conditions are mainly caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites.

For this reason, Dr. Gely Pena Archundia, responsible for respiratory and diarrheal infections of the VIII Sanitary Jurisdiction of the Gto Health System, reported that so far this year 137 girls and boys have been reported to have become ill due to digestive conditions due to heat.

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“These girls and boys are under 5 years of age, it should be noted that these 137 are girls and boys who became ill mostly in the epidemiological week 14 to 22,” said Pena.

Pena reported that the symptoms can be identified as: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, hydroelectrolyte imbalance and it is advisable to go to the nearest health unit.

Pena also points out that children under 5 years of age are the sector most prone to heat stroke and suffer from a disease caused by heat.

“Children under one year of age, low birth weight, severe malnutrition, added disease, with late treatment and care are those with the highest risk of a digestive illness caused by heat,” said Pena.

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The Health Official released some recommendations in this regard and invited the population to go to their health unit in the presence of alarm signs.

“Wash your hands before eating and after going to the bathroom; disinfect fruits and vegetables before eating them and drink boiled or bottled water,” said Pena.

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That is why it is advised that children do not expose themselves to the sun’s rays in open places, without a roof. In addition, Pena recommended encouraging fluid intake.

“Offer oral saline life solution as supplemental fluid, continue breastfeeding and regular eating, encourage fluid intake, but it is important to discourage consumption of fruit juices and carbonated beverages, especially in patients at increased risk of dehydration and avoid heat stroke”, said the Heath Official.

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