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Great demand for aid at Tu Puedes Guanajuato

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Great demand for aid at Tu Puedes Guanajuato

4,500 people have requested information on financing and support to start and grow their businesses The Financing and Support Tu Puede Guanajuato

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4,500 people have requested information on financing and support to start and grow their businesses

The Financing and Support Tu Puede Guanajuato grants loans from 10 thousand pesos to 3 million pesos

Leon/Gto News

“This Government’s commitment is to support working people, to make families live better and to enable them to see their dreams come true, that is why I want to invite you to approach the Financiera y Apoyos Tu Puedes Guanajuato,” said the Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, during the broadcast of the program Conectando con la Gente.

Accompanied by Ivon Padilla, general director of Financiera y Apoyos Tu Puedes Guanajuato, the Governor explained that in the first 10 days of branches being open to the public, more than 4,500 people have requested information about loans.

In order to give a little push to the entrepreneurs of Guanajuato, this year 2,705 financings will be granted with a total amount of 375 million pesos for working people, said the State Governor.

Of those interested, 30 percent are dedicated to the footwear sector, 30 percent sell a variety of products, and 40 percent are green taxi drivers, businessmen and entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector.

The Financiera y Apoyos Tu Puedes Guanajuato has nine programs with different types of credits and low interest rates.

The “You Can” program is aimed at people from Guanajuato between 18 and 70 years old with knowledge in trades such as baking, crafts, cutting and sewing, carpentry, blacksmithing, plumbing, etc. Or those who sell merchandise, personalized products, clothing resale, web page design and handmade products. For the “You Can” program, loans are up to 10 thousand pesos with a payment term of 24 biweekly payments and an interest rate of 6.75%.

Those who have paid off the financing on time of the “Tu Puedes” program can access the “Lealtad” program, which offers loans of up to 50 thousand pesos for 24 months and an interest rate of 8.84%.

“We trust you” is a program aimed at small businesses looking to take their first step towards growth, such as restaurants, grocery stores, artisanal products stores, beauty salons and locksmiths; loans are up to 50 thousand pesos for 24 months with an interest rate of 9.89%.

“Estamos Contigo” (We Are With You) grants loans of up to 100 thousand pesos for a period of 78 weeks with an interest rate of 6.75% and is aimed at merchants and street vendors belonging to a union or association of merchants who require working capital to continue operating.

“Make Your Dream Come True” is aimed at businessmen and women looking for equipment and infrastructure. It consists of a loan of up to 500 thousand pesos for 48 months with an annual interest rate of 14%. It has an annual incentive of 2% for those who pay on time.

“Progress” is a program aimed at producers in the primary sector such as agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and beekeeping; it offers loans of up to 500 thousand pesos for a period of six months with a 12% interest rate and an annual incentive of 3% for timely payments.

“Renew your Taxi”, aimed at green taxi drivers who need to renew their unit due to an accident or because their vehicle has already reached the end of its useful life; in this program the credit is for up to 350 thousand pesos for gasoline vehicles and up to 500 thousand pesos for hybrid and electric cars. The term is 60 months and an interest rate of 12%. In this case, the annual incentive for punctual payment is 2%.

The “Your Ideas Matter” program is aimed at young people who want to start a business and who already have a business project qualified by an incubator or certified consultant in Guanajuato; the credit is up to 500 thousand pesos for a term of 48 months and with an interest rate of 8.84%.

“Evolve” is a program aimed at companies engaged in artisanal, industrial, agro-industrial, commercial and/or service activities, including companies in the construction sector; the credit is up to 3 million pesos for 60 months with an interest rate of 12% with an annual incentive of 2% for punctual payments.

The competitive advantages offered by these loans are the lowest interest rates on the market, zero percent opening fees or additional costs, direct access to financing without having to be an account holder, an incentive to reduce rates for timely payment on some of the financing options, no charge for credit bureau consultation, renewal schemes for financing and, most importantly, warm, human, close and personalized attention.

In addition to the credits included in the nine programs mentioned, there is the special economic support program “Creemos en Ti” (We Believe in You), which grants 7 thousand non-refundable pesos, directed preferably to women and young entrepreneurs to start a small business; and to the population of rural communities and those belonging to vulnerable sectors, who live in priority attention areas.

Those interested in this support must go to:

review the current call and check the dates of the municipality in which you live; you must register and participate in the initial entrepreneur workshop. The next call will be issued in March and will be for the region that includes the municipalities of Romita, Silao and Guanajuato.

Once the interested person attends the workshop, the applicant will receive a pass to submit his or her application with the required documentation; then the applicant must submit the documents. Later, the applicant will be notified of the delivery of the financial support, if approved.

“Many working people do not have access to traditional bank financing and it is difficult to obtain a loan to start their business. That is why Financiera y Apoyos Tu Puedes Guanajuato is an opportunity to strengthen them, to support the hard-working people, the good people who give it all for Guanajuato,” said Governor Libia Dennise.

For more information you can visit one of the seven branches of the Tu Puedes Guanajuato Financial and Support Agency, located in:

  • Celaya, Manuel Doblado Street #102, second floor, downtown
  • Dolores Hidalgo, Queretaro Street #4, local 3, downtown
  • Irapuato, Diaz Ordaz Boulevard #3274, local 101, Las Reynas neighborhood
  • Leon, Juan Jose Torres Landa Boulevard #3201, Jardines de Jerez neighborhood
  • Moroleon, Prolongation Americas Street #855, third floor, Progreso neighborhood
  • San Jose Iturbide, Plaza Principal #7, interior I, downtown
  • Silao, located at Mineral de Valenciana Avenue s/n, Guanajuato Puerto Interior

You can also visit social media at:

  • @tupuedesgente or call 4771481242

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