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Governors sign Alliance Center-Bajio-Occident

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Governors sign Alliance Center-Bajio-Occident

The Governor of Guanajuato is named President of the Alliance The best economic area in Mexico was created San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Queretaro,

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The Governor of Guanajuato is named President of the Alliance

alliance center bajio occident
The best economic area in Mexico was created

San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Queretaro, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato are the members of the legally integrated Alliance

San Luis Potosi/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, is the President of the Alliance Center-Bajio-Occident, and he will be in the post for six months.

The governors of Aguascalientes, Martin Orozco Sandoval; of San Luis Potosi, Juan Manuel Carrera Lopez; of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro Ramirez and from Queretaro, Francisco Dominguez Servien, agreed to name Rodriguez to the post.

The main purpose of the alliance is to become the region of Mexico with the most important growth in Latin America.

alliance center bajio mexico
Participants confirm the support of the Federal Government to the Fast Train Leon-Queretaro-Mexico

For the citizens

Rodriguez Vallejo said that the union of these five States has as a goal to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of these States.

“We are glad that this Alliance goes on and we are going ahead in the creation of strategies to potentialize the region, like counting with a Region Brand to attract tourism and investment”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

The Governor of Guanajuato said that the States members of the Alliance Center-Bajio-Occident are engines for the growth of our country, “here we have a direction and there is a commitment for the development of this region”.

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The Governors promote the new alliance

The voice of all

Rodriguez Vallejo explained that as President of this Alliance, he has as a mandate to be the voice of his counterparts in the reunions that these States have with the Federal Government to present strategic projects in aspects like connectivity, education, tourism and investment, which will strengthen the five states.

We have gone ahead in our reunions, we already have a frame as to where we should lead the Alliance. And we are going to promote regional projects like the dam El Zapotillo, the road Guanajuato-Queretaro; and the modernization of the road San Felipe-Silao, which leads to Road 57, a very important way out to the North of Mexico”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

Also Guanajuato’s Governor insisted in the Project of the Fast Train Leon-Queretaro-Mexico, which will be of great benefit for the connectivity of the region.

Better connectivity

The Governor of Queretaro, Francisco Dominguez Servien, said that the works to do this will begin in agreement with the Secretary of Communications and Transport, after the confirmation of the Project by the President of Mexico. “This will increase the connectivity of the region”, he said.

The Governor of San Luis Potosi, Juan Manuel Carrera Lopez, noted that in this reunión they presented strategic regional projects like: Infrastructure by the CIDE and the consolidation of the Region Brand that will increase the economic value of the region that now is formed by the five states.

Carrera also talked about the joint participation of the five States in international fairs such as the Annual Reunion NASCO in San Luis Potosi, the Hannover Messe Fair in Guanajuato, and the Aerospatial Fair in Queretaro.

Fundamental States

The Governor of Jalisco insisted in his support to the Alliance, since it is integrated by States that are fundamental in the economic and social growth of Mexico.

The five Governors agreed that all actions made are to generate more jobs and well being in the families of this area of the country, and this will contribute to generate peace and calm in society.

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In San Luis Potosi Governors signed the agreement