The Governor of Guanajuato recognizes the contribution of businessmen in the economic growth of the State Diego Sinhue Rodriguez vallejo layed cor
The Governor of Guanajuato recognizes the contribution of businessmen in the economic growth of the State
Diego Sinhue Rodriguez vallejo layed cornerstone of the CONCAMIN Bajío Tower
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Leon/Gto News
The Governor of the State, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, endorsed his trust in Guanajuato businessmen by highlighting the alliance and collaboration that has been key in the economic growth of the entity.

“I want to talk today about that team that we have made in Guanajuato, the businessmen and the government. In Guanajuato there is a romance that the State Government has with the businessmen of Guanajuato and it is a romance that is public and does not embarrass us, on the contrary, we make a team, we make an alliance and we brag about it, because this has been the key to the success of our State”, said the State President, who laid the first stone of the Executive Project of the Torre Bajío CONCAMIN.

This property will serve as a space for meeting and developing the competitiveness of the industrial sectors in the State of Guanajuato.
In order to achieve greater competitiveness, CONCAMIN Bajío specifies this Torre Bajío Concamin Building Project, which will cost 30 million pesos.
This building will have eight floors, will have an intelligence center, training rooms and will also serve as the headquarters of those business organizations that do not have space for their operation.

The State Government supports the construction project of the Torre Bajío CONCAMÍN with an amount of 12 million pesos, with the aim of strengthening the industrial sectors in Guanajuato by being a space that will serve as a meeting point for all Guanajuato businessmen.
The management to have this tower has been a constant of the Coordinator of CONCAMIN Bajío, Ismael Plascencia Núñez, through the Secretary of State Economic Development (SDES) of Guanajuato.

In his message, Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo mentioned the cut to the Federal budget of 30 billion, for which he recognized the initiative of the businessmen of Guanajuato who joined forces with the State Government.

“We did not sit idly by and it was the businessmen and it was CONCAMIN and all the Chambers, who allied themselves and together said, we are going for more taxes in Guanajuato, and the payroll tax was increased, and the possession and that resource was returned. has been used for the good of the state. It was the businessmen who raised their hands to contribute more”, added Rodríguez Vallejo.

The Governor pointed out that in return, the Government of Guanajuato supported entrepreneurs during the pandemic, with credits that prevented the loss of more than 100 jobs.
“Unlike other places that gave them non-refundable support of 25,000 pesos, here credits were provided for 2,900 million pesos, which served to rescue 100,000 jobs, with unbeatable preferential rates, a one-year trial to pay , credits of up to two million pesos or three months of payroll, with a fixed rate of five percent per year, thus we support the confidence of businessmen”, he said in his message.

The Confederation of Industrial Chambers (CONCAMIN) Bajío stands out as the representative body of the industrial sectors and economic activities of high importance in the region for the development of Mexico. With the mission of representing, promoting and defending the various productive sectors and adopting measures that foster their development.
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