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Governor launches 56th ANPIC Fair

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Governor launches 56th ANPIC Fair

The Virtual Suppliers Fair ANPIC Autumn-Winter starts reloaded The second edition of this event occurs in Leon from November 3rd to the 5th in the

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The Virtual Suppliers Fair ANPIC Autumn-Winter starts reloaded

The second edition of this event occurs in Leon from November 3rd to the 5th in the platform www.anpic.com/laferiavitual

Leon/Gto News

Guanajuatenses want to take advantage of the opportunities of the digital world; ANPIC is a step ahead and shows the leadership of an industry that is a pillar in our economy, said Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, the Governor of Guanajuato, as he presented the 56th edition of the Virtual Fair of Suppliers ANPIC Autumn-Winter.

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Best in America

This is the most important suppliers fair of the leather-shoe sector in America and the third most recognized in the world, as it presents the trends of 2021-2022.

The Fair will last from November 3rd to November 5th through the virtual platform at –www.anpic.com/laferiavitual- where exhibitors and buyers can gather and generate business.


Back on its feet

“The events to make Guanajuato stronger in topics as important as Industry 4.0 are today better than ever. Our local strength and our international alliances, allow us to think that Guanajuato will be one of the States that will sooner get back on their feet.

“The four levers of development in Guanajuato are working: they are the Auto Industry, a 20% of the GDP of the State, the Agro-Industrial sector that represents 17.5%, the shoe-leather sector with a 10% and Tourism that represents 10%. I want you to know that the commitment of my Government is to keep promoting competitiveness in the shoe-leather sector”, said the Governor.

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Innovation for society

David Novoa Toscano, the President of APIMEX said that Virtual ANPIC keeps innovating for the benefit of society and of the industrial sector as they present a friendly platform with technological tools that allow for a more efficient interaction between exhibitors and visitors to make business in a simpler form.

In this edition there will be a conference hall with topics like economy and trends of today’s consumer, fashions trends, supply and products.


“ANPIC is always evolving and this time it will not be an exception, because we added Virtual DIVEX, it is the materials expo that will increase the offer of supplies for different industrial sectors. DIVEX shares its platform at Virtual ANPIC uniting supplying companies for the sectors of packing, plastics, furniture and services, among others”

David Novoa Toscano
President of APIMEX

“We will have the 3rd business encounter B2B, which consists in business appointments between more than 70 supplier and buyer companies, both national and foreign, that require specialized materials of high quality”, said ANPIC President.

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