Guanajuato will address the Gender Alert with responsibility and total commitment Anything that contributes to eradicating gender violence must be
Guanajuato will address the Gender Alert with responsibility and total commitment
Anything that contributes to eradicating gender violence must be enforced
Guanajuato/Gto News
The Government of the People assumes with responsibility the Gender Violence Alert against Women, declared by the Federal Government, through the Secretary of the Interior, for 17 of the 46 municipalities of the State of Guanajuato.

As a sign of responsibility of this State Administration, Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, has instructed that the Government Secretary be the one to lead the work in coordination with the Institute for Guanajuato Women and address the measures and actions indicated, along with its own initiatives that contribute to the construction of a better Guanajuato.

A working group will be formed with the Powers of the State; autonomous bodies such as the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Guanajuato and the Human Rights Ombudsman’s Office, as well as the 17 municipalities involved in the Gender Alert.
This group will be in charge of preparing a Strategic Action Plan to enable compliance with the measures requested by CONAVIM.

The Governor has also instructed that the necessary resources be allocated so that this Strategic Action Plan is carried out in favor of the women of Guanajuato.
“My commitment to the women of Guanajuato is constant and firm. Women deserve to live safely, with dignity and free of violence. In the Government of the People we will work tirelessly to make this a reality”, said the Governor of Guanajuato.