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Governor checks on green technology in South Africa

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Governor checks on green technology in South Africa

The Governor highlights the actions carried out by Greencape, a leading institution that generates green solutions for industries Da click en el l

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The Governor highlights the actions carried out by Greencape, a leading institution that generates green solutions for industries

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South Africa/Gto News

During his tour of South Africa, the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, met with executives from Greencape, a leading institution that generates green solutions for industries.

Greencape South Africa Guanajuato 3

In Guanajuato, various actions are promoted in favor of the environment, which is why it is essential to know the best practices done in this area by institutions such as Greencape.

This institution uses solutions for waste management, water treatment, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, electromobility, among other.

Greencape South Africa Guanajuato 4

As a result of its work programs with various companies, Greencape has managed to prevent 309,200 tons of carbon dioxide from reaching the environment.

Guanajuato seeks to take this type of experiences and actions so that they can be developed in local companies for the benefit of the environment.

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