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Governor announces 21 thousand homes

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Governor announces 21 thousand homes

The head of the Executive of Guanajuato met with the heads of Infonavit and Sedatu There is good news for the State that we will soon be making a

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The head of the Executive of Guanajuato met with the heads of Infonavit and Sedatu

There is good news for the State that we will soon be making a reality: Libia Dennise

Guanajuato/Gto News

“In the State of Guanajuato, a popular housing program will be promoted for those who have the least resources; the goal is twenty-one thousand homes”, said Governor of Guanajuato, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo.

The Governor met with the General Director of the National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit), Octavio Romero Oropeza, and with the Director of Liaison of the Secretary of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu), Raul Anaya.

This institutional agreement was made possible by the efforts made by the Governor with the Federal Government, where the work of both governments is to seek the common good of citizens.

This program, said the Governor, will be implemented in two modalities: one for those who are Infonavit beneficiaries and who earn between one and two minimum wages.

The other option will be for non-Infonavit beneficiaries, which will be coordinated by Sedatu and the National Housing Coordination (Conavi).

“This is a program that all municipalities in Guanajuato will be able to participate in and we will be putting all our efforts into ensuring that low-income families can access this program,” said the Governor.

The agreement provides for 21,000 homes, of which 15,000 will be through Infonavit and 6,000 through Conavi; its construction could generate 94,000 direct jobs and 141,000 indirect jobs.

Libia Dennise said that institutional agreements will be signed shortly and proposals for land reserves where these houses can be built will be analyzed with the municipalities.

“We are going to make it possible for those who have the least to access these housing programs,” said the Governor, who was with the Secretary of Government, Jorge Daniel Jimenez Lona.

Also present at this meeting were Javier Nunez Lopez, Deputy General Director of Operations of Infonavit; Orlando Camarillo Ruiz, from the Head Office of the General Directorate of Infonavit; and Gustavo Pintos Gutierrez, Delegate of Infonavit in Guanajuato.

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