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Government supports construction companies

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Government supports construction companies

"More Works for Guanajuato" is a Guanajuato Funds program that seeks to promote the execution of public works in Guanajuato The contractor may acc

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“More Works for Guanajuato” is a Guanajuato Funds program that seeks to promote the execution of public works in Guanajuato

The contractor may access an amount of up to 7 million pesos with a term of 12 months and an interest rate of 12 percent a year

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Leon/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, presented the Financial Program “More Works for Guanajuato”, which seeks to promote the execution of public works through loans directed to construction companies.


This program is derived from Guanajuato Funds with the intention of providing support to contractors, and thereby improve the infrastructure, connectivity and mobility of Guanajuato.

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“We seek to promote the execution of public works through financial support schemes for contractors, through Guanajuato Funds. That is why we have signed this collaboration agreement. Everything is ready for the operation of this program to start”, said the Governor.

The Program is aimed at applicant business contractors registered in the Single Register of Contractors -PUC- who have a contracted public works hired by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers, municipalities, autonomous organisms by Law and parastatal and paramunicipal organisms of Guanajuato.

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With this financial program, the contractor will be able to access an amount of up to:

  • 7 million pesos
  • In a term of 12 months
  • An interest rate of 12 percent a year

For the execution of the More Works for Guanajuato Program, the amount of the approved resource is 100 million pesos.

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“This ‘More work for Guanajuato’ program goes in that direction. Give companies greater competitiveness and capabilities to insert themselves into the development of public works programs and actions,” said Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

As of December 15, the investment in public works and related services contracted by SICOM is 1,700 million 759 thousand 987 pesos, with a total of 338 contracts.

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In a plenary session the Local Congress approved reforms to the Public Works and Related Services Law for the State and Municipalities of Guanajuato, in order to promote transparency in public works processes.

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This reform to the Public Works and Services Law was necessary, so that Fondos Guanajuato can grant loans to businessmen in the construction sector and thereby ensure that they can head towards economic reactivation.

To achieve this the State Government, through Guanajuato Financing Funds, makes support schemes available to the construction industry, which will allow them to achieve greater degrees of competitiveness and strengthen their economy. The Guanajuato Funds Technical Committee, in a session on November 10, 2022, approved the operating rules. 

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