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Government of the People addresses major challenges of Guanajuato

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Government of the People addresses major challenges of Guanajuato

In Connecting with the People, the Governor reiterated that the signing of the water agreement for Guanajuato is a historic event The Governor inv

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In Connecting with the People, the Governor reiterated that the signing of the water agreement for Guanajuato is a historic event

The Governor invites Guanajuatenses to preserve water. Libia prepares First Report of Government

San Francisco del Rincon/Gto News

“The People of Guanajuato have a Governor who will continue building bridges and working in coordination with the different levels of government, because I am committed to solve the great challenges that Guanajuato faces,” said the Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, during the broadcast of the program Connecting with the People.

“An example of this is the historic signing of the agreement for 6.4 billion pesos that we signed with the Federation to modernize the irrigation systems of the Guanajuato farmlands last Saturday,” said the Governor.

Libia, who was with the Secretary of Water and Environment, Jose Lara Lona, said that this is the first step taken to provide water to Guanajuato; “we are very happy because it will be essential to guarantee water for future generations”.

The Governor recalled that last Saturday, “we had the visit of the President of Mexico to Guanajuato, you could see it, and on social media we were following all the activities we had. In Guanajuato we believe in institutions, we know how important it is to work as a team and coordinate with the Federation to address priority issues for Guanajuato.”

The Secretary of Water and Environment stressed that this agreement is unprecedented, it is a historic event, it is about the efficient use of water resources in the farmlands, 76% of the water in the State is in the farmlands and with the technical development there will be a better use to be able to provide this service to the people.

“So, what was signed on Saturday will help us to improve efficiency and the volumes that we will be able to improve, to cover the major networks, to work on the secondary networks, has been a collaboration with the Federal Government on a day-to-day basis, and it is worth highlighting that all of this is due to the effort of our Governor,” said José Lara Lona.

The Governor recalled that for the construction of the aqueduct from the Solis dam to Leon, which will be distributed across 5 municipalities: Celaya, Salamanca, Irapuato, Silao and Leon; the investment will be approximately for 15 billion pesos. Half of the resources are provided by the Federal Government and the rest by the State Government and the municipalities. The work begins this year and is expected to be completed in 2028.

The Governor and the Secretary of Water agreed in urging people to preserve water, and to be more aware in order to be more efficient in its use. “We must manage water better,” said Libia.

The Governor informed that this coming Friday, March 7, she will give her First Government Report in the municipality of San Luis de la Paz.

“We are going to take the Government Report to the Municipalities, where this exercise had not been held, and today we are giving each region of Guanajuato its importance, so we are going to start in the northeast of our beautiful Guanajuato,” said Libia.

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