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‘Go Beyond’ with Foro GO

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‘Go Beyond’ with Foro GO

The theme of the 6th edition was announced under the “GO Beyond” concept so that the businessmen of Guanajuato do "go beyond" COFOCE presents Foro

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The theme of the 6th edition was announced under the “GO Beyond” concept so that the businessmen of Guanajuato do “go beyond”

COFOCE presents Foro GO 2022, a business event that returns to an in person format

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Leon/Gto News

In the commemoration of the 30 years of the Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade (COFOCE), and with representatives of the Government of the State of Guanajuato and other personalities of the business community, the program of a new edition of the Foro GO was announced in a press conference, it is an event that in 2022 returns to the long-awaited in person modality at Poliforum Leon.


Foreign trade

Foro GO is held annually in Guanajuato, specifically in the city of León. The first edition was in 2017 for the business community interested in learning more about foreign trade, understanding new business models and applying the global trends that set the rules; from labor philosophy, to new concepts that can make Guanajuato companies more competitive. 

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Beating the challenges

We always seek to inspire Foro GO attendees to “go beyond” and in these last five editions in which more than 10,000 attendees have joined in person and virtually, totally unforeseen challenges have been overcome, thanks to this and the quality of the international speakers, the event has become exponential and its goal is to continue growing beyond borders -GO BEYOND-. 

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The front yard

“A few days ago, President Biden in his speech on May 5 said that: Mexico is not the backyard of the United States, it is the front yard. With this phrase it further reinforces these important commercial ties that we have with our neighboring country. It is a unique moment with which we can take Guanajuato’s exports to the next level”

Luis Ernesto Rojas Avila
Director General of COFOCE

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A big celebration

In 2022 Foro GO is celebrated in a big way, with a two-day face-to-face event of conferences and workshops that will be on October 26 and 27; where the Governor of the State, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo will share with the audience the importance that Foreign Trade has had in the economic recovery of Guanajuato and the country in recent years; as well as the impulse that comes for all future exporting companies. 

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The importance of this event lies in the fact that it is part of a new ecosystem of digital transformation that adds on to the project of the Government of the State of the Valley of Mindfacture of Guanajuato. 

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“It is truly exciting to know that an event of international stature is here again with a very complete program that includes international speakers and so valuable strategic allies”

Alan Sahir Marquez Becerra
Coordinator of Social Communication of the State of Guanajuato

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To know more about the next FORO GO 2022 go to:

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