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From where “Mexico was born”

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From where “Mexico was born”

From the place where freedom was born for all of Mexico. From the Craddle of National Independence. From the original scenario where love for freedom

Baja California invited to VINUM
Independence celebrations
Viva Mexico’s Independence!!!

From the place where freedom was born for all of Mexico. From the Craddle of National Independence. From the original scenario where love for freedom, for Independence, for the hard work to progress grew more.

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Independence Guanajuato Mexico 2022 2

From Dolores Hidalgo the Governor of Guanajuato proclaimed the “Grito de Independencia”, as it was done 212 years ago by the Father of our Motherland, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.

Independence Guanajuato Mexico 2022 3

Tens of thousands of Guanajuatenses and visitors were in Dolores Hidalgo with the Governor of Guanajuato in this patriotic act that is repeated year after year at Dolores Hidalgo the original setting and in every corner of Mexico.

Independence Guanajuato Mexico 2022 4

Many more Guanajuatenses filled up the plazas in all the municipalities of Guanajuato to repeat the call to freedom.

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Thousands of visitors arrived in Guanajuato to personally live the tradition and emotion that only Guanajuato transmits.

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Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nacional, Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende, Celaya, Leon, Irapuato, San Francisco del Rincon, in all the municipalities of Guanajuato excited and patriotic Guanajuatenses reignited the will to make of Guanajuato a State of hard work to achieve progress.

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It is already 212 years of freedom of Mexicans, 212 years that started here, that is why the oficial message of Guanajuato is:

“Mexico was born here”

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“Viva Mexico”, called Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, “Viva Mexico” answered thousands of Mexicans present at the ceremony in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato.

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