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From Guanajuato, quality to the world

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From Guanajuato, quality to the world

“Meet the Buyer” attracts visitors from Dallas, Texas; a buyer of metal pieces for seats in the aerospace sector Guanajuato surprises internationa

Made in Gto 2: The Series
United the aerospace sector is strengthened
Guanajuato has a stronger aerospace industry

“Meet the Buyer” attracts visitors from Dallas, Texas; a buyer of metal pieces for seats in the aerospace sector

Guanajuato surprises international buyers with suppliers for the AeroSpace sector

Silao/Gto News

The German company RECARO is focused in manufacturing seats for automobiles and aerospace ships, and they are constantly looking for suppliers that meet their quality standards.


Top Quality

Innovation, high quality materials, craft and passion for the automobile mark the seats of this company.

Guanajuato had its first contact with RECARO in September at the AeroSpace Fair Mexico –FAMEX-, where COFOCE introduced the company to the export offer of Guanajuato.

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Bring them together

After this first business reunion, COFOCE invited sheet metal and machining companies to the event “Meet the Buyer”, organized for RECARO to have its first contact with potential suppliers to manufacture aerospace seats with the necessary quality.

After the virtual event, a visit was programmed with an expert in supplying to RECARO to present the export offer of suppliers and the buyer Jose de la Garza, Senior Sourcing Specialist of RECARO traveled from Dallas, Texas to visit the companies in Guanajuato and personally know the quality of the products presented in the event.

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Ready for the sector

“We wanted to explore, see what else Guanajuato had to offer and I think that there are opportunities because COFOCE prepared an excellent agenda. I had some pretty good visits and reunions, they introduced me to suppliers whom I didn’t know of, and whom I wouldn’t have found otherwise. They have some equipment and systems that are ready for the aerospace sector. I consider myself an expert in sourcing and still I wouldn’t have detected what COFOCE presented to me, because for example, one of this companies manufactures toys and other entertainment equipment, I am really surprised”, said Jose de la Garza, Senior Sourcing Specialist at RECARO.

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Ready for production

Some of the sheet metal supplying companies visited were: Speqtrum, Boreal Metalworks, Grupo Plasma Automation, Play Club, among other. Those companies are established in Leon, Celaya, Silao and Apaseo El Grande.

Guanajuato is now known as a main supplier for this German company, with its headquarters in the United States, and it will lead for more international opportunities for companies from Guanajuato.

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An extended project

“Thanks to this visit we now have a base of suppliers with a lot of possibilities to become official suppliers of RECARO, in this first phase for 2022 we are promoting some $US3.5 million dollars in a six year plan; we will start with sheet metal, then will come machining, textile and plastics. At first the plan was only sheet metal, but we have seen the capacity of companies in Guanajuato and we have extended the project; I think we will be able to do business here”, said De la Garza, the representative of RECARO.




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