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FORO GO promotes competitiveness of companies

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FORO GO promotes competitiveness of companies

The Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade, COFOCE, closed the seventh edition of FORO GO, with more than 1,700 attendees during the two days

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The Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade, COFOCE, closed the seventh edition of FORO GO, with more than 1,700 attendees during the two days

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Leon/Gto News

With more than 1,700 attendees including businessmen, allies, students and visitors in general, COFOCE closed another edition of FORO GO, the most important business and Foreign Trade event in Mexico and Latin America.

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In order to continue learning about business and exports, Luis Rojas Avila, General Director of COFOCE closed the seventh edition of the FORO GO by encouraging entrepreneurs to always go to the next level.

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“Thank you very much to all of you for your trust. I hope that you take with you, many challenges but above all the desire to continue reaching different levels of competitiveness, thank you for your trust and see you in the FORO GO 2024,” said Rojas Avila.

The 7th edition at Poliforum Leon, during two days managed to make more than 430 business meetings between Guanajuatense companies and strategic allies with the aim of generating alliances that promote exports.

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In its seventh edition, FORO GO had 10 presentations with national and international experts that were of great learning and inspiration to lead Guanajuato entrepreneurs to change their way of thinking and transform their companies.

Among the presentations were “A space without limits” with Katya Echazarreta, who said that the limit is no longer the sky, but space or what you can imagine.

“From Rockstar to Businessman” by Bruce Dickinson, shows you that you can be as multifaceted as you think and achieve whatever you want.

And the presentation “And what $&#@% is the metaverse?”, with Randi Zuckerberg who inspires you to always discover what lies beyond.

Also presented were two panels with experts in Nearshoring and success stories from inspirational Guanajuatense companies.

Events such as FORO GO have made it possible to achieve alliances and impact the business state of mind. This event with disruptive thinking, digital transformation and digital businesses will continue to promote competitive thinking that allows us to bring more of Guanajuato to the world. 

FORO GO has managed to position itself as the most relevant event at the national and Latin American level, where more than 12 thousand entrepreneurs have been impacted, so that they transform their way of doing business, entering the world of digitalization, marketplaces, the metaverse, to sell through the digital economy.

During the event, there were visits by different government personalities, including secretaries and undersecretaries from Queretaro, Durango, Aguascalientes and Zacatecas.  

To learn more about the FORO GO 2023 and the opportunities that your company could have in marketing its products, contact COFOCE at:



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