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‘For Guanajuato the best is yet to come’

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‘For Guanajuato the best is yet to come’

The Governor presents his 5th Government Report to Guanajuatenses The Governor announces that this year in Guanajuato there will be a record inves

Governor working for more investment
State and Federal deployment in Guanajuato is detailed
Happy Anniversary Leon!

The Governor presents his 5th Government Report to Guanajuatenses

The Governor announces that this year in Guanajuato there will be a record investment for 14 thousand 250 million pesos in the State

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Silao/Gto News

“The Guanajuato of today cannot be explained without yesterday’s Guanajuato. It is a story of strength and support between generations, which began more than 30 years ago, and which continues in 2023”, said the Governor of the State, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, when he presented his 5th. Government report.

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“This Report of Results is focused on people. It is the Guanajuatenses, the heads of families, the entrepreneurs, the students, the workers, who must tell their own experience, their story of achievements and satisfactions. The greatness of Guanajuato is in its people”, said the Governor.

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“30 years ago, some women and men took on the task of planning what the Guanajuato of the future would be like, today we are the sixth largest economy in Mexico”, said the Governor.

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The Mayors of Irapuato, Lorena Alfaro and of Leon, Alejandra Gutierrez at the 5th Report of the State of Guanajuato in the Bicentenario Theater.

Rodriguez Vallejo announced that other very important projects will be promoted to continue strengthening the development of Guanajuato, such as:

  • The Silao-San Miguel de Allende highway
  • He also announced the expansion of 2 CERESOS:
  • Penjamo and San Miguel de Allende
  • The first stage of INFOSPE
  • The Libertad Boulevard that joins Dolores Hidalgo and San Miguel de Allende
  • Two militarized high schools
  • One in Dolores and
  • Another in Acambaro, fulfilling the promise of having 6 high schools of this type
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In 2023 there will be an investment for 14 thousand 250 million pesos. This is the largest allocation of budget in recent years and represents a growth of more than 100% compared to last year, highlighted the Governor.

Of these resources, 2 thousand 900 million correspond to credits authorized by the State Congress, after the good administration of public finances, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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Private Health promoters

About public health in Guanajuato, he said that it “has made us a leading region in the matter, we are becoming a private health cluster,” he said.

He announced that the MAC Hospital will make an investment of 2 billion pesos in Guanajuato, which will generate 500 direct jobs.

While the Christus Muguerza Hospital will invest 1,500 million pesos, which will generate 500 more direct jobs.

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“We are going to bring more works and actions of all kinds to the 46 municipalities! Because we are with you always!”, noted the Governor.

Rodríguez Vallejo highlighted the main actions of the axes of his Government for which he spoke with Guanajuatenses who have contributed through their effort, dedication, innovation and work to build and make of Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico.

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Security and social peace

Today there is coordination between the 3 levels of government, the 3 powers, the Prosecutor’s Offices and society.

The State Public Security Forces –FSPE- are supported like never before, with better salaries, better equipment and state-of-the-art technology.

The number of elements of the State Police has increased by 336 percent so far in the Administration.

Also this year, one billion pesos will be reached in support of training and equipment for the municipal police.

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Economy for All: Six-year investment goal is exceeded

In just 4 and a half years, the six-year goal of attracting investment was exceeded, with 5.4 billion dollars of foreign investment in Guanajuato with global companies that generate jobs for Guanajuato families.

He noted that the Layer 9 Data Center company will invest 800 million dollars, “and promised to pay the same salaries that it pays in the United States!”

More than 18% of this investment corresponds to innovation and Mindfacture  projects. Local entrepreneurship is also supported, to merchants of micro and small companies, because they are the largest generators of employment, added the Governor.

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Guanajuato the Valley of the Mindfacture

“Today we are on the threshold of a new Guanajuato: the Guanajuato of industry 4.0 and Mindfacture; the Guanajuato of innovation and of the knowledge economy”, said the Governor.

There are universities, research centers, industrial clusters, infrastructure, innovation centers, researchers, support for startups, human capital and everything essential to conquer the present and the future.

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Human and social development

The social development strategy “Guanajuato Contigo Sí” was set up and Guanajuato is distinguished by having a humanist government, with actions that have human beings as their origin and destination.

This provoked actions in favor of income, health, education, infrastructure, social participation and housing, for the direct benefit of individuals and families.

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The best health system in Mexico

“Guanajuato has the best state health system in Mexico; and today by building a clinic or a hospital, more than an infrastructure work, the conditions are being built so that thousands of doctors can save lives and bring health to all, because health comes first and is the most important thing”, said the Governor.

“These efforts have paid off, because Guanajuato has the best health system in the country and we will keep it that way,” he said.

Clases master

Quality education

“Since the beginning of this government, efforts were redoubled to achieve a higher quality education. The pandemic caused learning loss and led to school dropout, this was attended to immediately and Guanajuato was a pioneer in the country in bringing students back to the classrooms”, said the Governor.

The World Bank, UNICEF and UNESCO recognized Guanajuato as the only state in Mexico to implement a culture of evaluation of learning to formulate evidence-based policies.

Today, with the Social Pact for Education, more than 34,000 students of all levels were reincorporated to school, noted the Governor.

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In other public works he noted that the first stage of the remodeling of the Juarez Theater has already been completed and the 50th anniversary of the International Cervantino Festival was celebrated with great success.

Tourism is a sector in recovery and a reactivation program is carried out with new investments for more world-class hotels in Guanajuato.

In Guanajuato Mindfacture is a reality and it is not only in companies, it is also in schools. “Today we can proudly speak of the consolidation of a dream, which is to be able to touch the Guanajuato of tomorrow the one that we want to leave to our children and grandchildren; a Guanajuato in which we will always be with you”, he said.

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Orderly and sustainable development

The Governor said that on the environmental issue, Guanajuato continues to make progress in the protection and care of our natural resources and the environment.

The campaign promise was fulfilled with the presentation of the Comprehensive Attention Strategy to the Brick Sector in Guanajuato, which represents the beginning of a new story for those who are in this activity, said the Governor.

“We want to inherit a sustainable Guanajuato to the following generations,” he said.


Humane and Efficient Government

Rodriguez Vallejo said that “we are an open and transparent government, where the investment goes to schools, hospitals, highways and roads, urban infrastructure and support for the most vulnerable. We invest every peso where it is most needed!”

He added that there is a model public finance at the national and international level, which promotes the development of Guanajuato families. Today we have the highest standards in public finance, which has been recognized by the main international credit agencies, with the highest ratings that a State government can access, said the Governor.

“We are one of the best evaluated federal entities with solid finances, proof of this is the First National Place in the Federalized Expenditure Management Performance Index, which we obtained due to the review of the 2021 Public Account, carried out by the Superior Audit of the Federation”, informed Rodriguez Vallejo.

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Rodriguez Vallejo recognized and thanked the efforts of the former governors of Guanajuato, since their contribution was essential to make Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico.

He pointed out that Guanajuato has had the best humanist and vanguard governments in the country.

Rodriguez Vallejo expressed that “with my heart in my hand, I tell you that we are always moved by love for this land, love for its heroic origin and thrust that the best is yet to come.”

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“We are the State that detonated the National Independence; that promoted democracy and that builds a better future for all! Greatness is our origin and Greatness is our destiny!” he said.

“Let’s go together on this historic path, like the people we are: enthusiastic, supportive and visionary! I am sure that with you, we will always advance faster! With you, Guanajuato will always be better and stronger! We will continue to make of Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico!” said the Governor.

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