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‘Flavors of Guanajuato’ reach USA, Europe and Canada

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‘Flavors of Guanajuato’ reach USA, Europe and Canada

COFOCE helps to make it posible that Mexicans in the United States, Europe and Canada enjoy a little of Guanajuato through Mole Rancho La California

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COFOCE helps to make it posible that Mexicans in the United States, Europe and Canada enjoy a little of Guanajuato through Mole Rancho La California

Sabor de Guanajuato reaches the United States, Europe and Canada with the support of COFOCE

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Dolores Hidalgo/Gto News

The flavor of Guanajuato through the Moles Rancho la California, reaches the United States, Europe and Canada.


Cecilia Lopez, founder of Mole Rancho La California impregnates flavor, nostalgia and love, to the products as she assures that they are key pieces for a quality product.

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“I have the honor of being with my small company, because it is still a micro, 25 years old, COFOCE is 30, then we are almost their adopted child,” said Cecilia Lopez.

Cecilia, along with her two daughters, have managed to bring a traditional dish to other parts of the world with the Guanajuatense seal. She describes her small business as a company that always started successfully thanks to the support of COFOCE.

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The company is characterized by a seal of solidarity and sorority, since most of the women that collaborate with it are in a different situations of vulnerability.

“I have received great support, affection and business training from COFOCE, I would not have time to explain. One of my daughters attended the first fair that was “Latin Food” in Los Angeles, she returned with her first order of 6 tons of mole, I just want to make you think, everything I had to require, to be able to deliver this first order”, said Cecilia Lopez.

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COFOCE has supported Rancho La California since it started, it has been supported in accompaniment, training, brand design, exports, exhibitions at fairs, logistics, among others.

Rancho La California currently produces one and a half tons of mole every day, and exports 95 percent of the product. 

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The Covid 19 pandemic forced them to see the possibilities of sales through E-commerce, web pages, marketplaces, among others, and for this, COFOCE continues to support the preparation of the project for On Line sales.

It is a micro company, which added value to the chile product, since Guanajuato is a chile producing area, it made a product full of traditions and customs with which it transports a little part of Guanajuato to the world, mainly to the countrymen in USA.

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Challenges for export

Cecilia, said that one of the great challenges is to present a quality product.

“It was difficult at first, because as I tell you, my product is a handmade, homemade and nostalgic product and transporting all this in quality and certification has had its great challenges, in all these aspects we have been accompanied by the State Government”, said Cecilia Lopez.

Complying with certifications, standards, logistics rules, schedules, image, among other, are some of the things that Cecilia has faced so that her product from Guanajuato proudly crosses borders bearimng with pride the name of Mexico.

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COFOCE plays an important role in the issue of exports, which is why with this vision, the Coordinator has managed to internationalize more than 1,500 companies and it continues to seeks for more companies to export, offering training and support to companies that want to export.

To learn more about the national and state panorama of the opportunities that your company could have in marketing its products abroad, contact COFOCE at:

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