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Festival ‘Vive el Vino’ at District Leon MX

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Festival ‘Vive el Vino’ at District Leon MX

The presence of 500 buyers and the visit of 4 thousand 500 buyers are expected Authorities grant the recognition "Women in the Vine" Da click e

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The presence of 500 buyers and the visit of 4 thousand 500 buyers are expected

Authorities grant the recognition “Women in the Vine”

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León/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, inaugurated the “Vive el Vino” festival, which will receive 500 buyers for two days and the visit of 4,500 people, coming from the most important wine states in the country and other parts of the world.


“Welcome to this festival, which with this first edition is integrated into the efforts for the growth of this sector, which has gained international prestige. Thanks to the local producers, other states of the Mexican Republic and from other countries that participate in this festival”, said the Governor.

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“You are the protagonists of a success story that is being written in the Guanajuato wine industry”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

“This festival goes beyond a tasting, to offer participants a space for business, connection, commerce and coexistence. All this, to generate opportunities and synergies in the market. And thus the entire productive chain is strengthened, with positive effects on its growth and on the economic and social development of Guanajuato”, said the Governor.

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The Governor recognized the three women who have been honored on this day with the “Women in the Vine” award. An action that says a lot about the character and determination with which the growth of the Guanajuato wine sector has been promoted.

The awarded women are:

  • Luz Adriana Enriquez, in the entrepreneurship and business development category
  • Agostina Asteguiano, oenologist, in the line of promotion and dissemination
  • Laura Zamora, winemaker, for her career and her impact on the national wine industry
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“Thanks for your effort, for your passion and your contributions to the development of the different activities related to this great industry. I want to say that the State Government joins the recognition you have received and thanks you for the work you do to promote the wine-growing activity”, said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo said that Guanajuato wines continue to gain ground and nationall and international prestige. 

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Guanajuato was designated the venue for the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles in 2024 that brings to Guanajuato the best of the best in one of the most important events in the world of wine internationally.

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“Vive el Vino 2023” contributes to promoting the culture of wine and local gastronomy and has significant potential to boost the local and regional economy. Let it be a successful event in all senses, because in this way, from its wine industry, we promote the greatness of Guanajuato, which is the greatness of Mexico”, said the Governor.

Live Wine 2023! is organized with the Hannover Messe, the State Government, and the Guanajuato Grape and Wine Association, as well as Vinotelia.

This event also included the participation of Ana Maria Arias, Sommelier and Director of Vinotelia; and Elias Torres Barrera, President of the Guanajuato Grape and Wine Association.

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