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Ferrero to invest 1,000 MDP in Guanajuato

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Ferrero to invest 1,000 MDP in Guanajuato

The Group will put up a new production line for Kinder Chocolate and Kinder Chocolate Maxi, to supply the markets of Mexico and USA This investmen

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The Group will put up a new production line for Kinder Chocolate and Kinder Chocolate Maxi, to supply the markets of Mexico and USA

This investment will allow a production capacity that will reach 60,600 tons per year

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Alba, Italy/Gto News

Ferrero de Mexico celebrates 30 years in Mexico with an important investment announcement that will increase production in its plant in San Jose Iturbide, Guanajuato, as well as expand the capacity of storage.


The plant will receive an investment of more than 1,000 million pesos, to develop a new production line for Kinder Chocolate and Kinder Maxi, which will supply the markets of Mexico and the United States. Production start is scheduled for the second half of 2023.

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The new production line will be developed with state-of-the-art technology something that characterizes Ferrero plants; and which maintains the high standards of quality and freshness in all its products.

Currently, Ferrero de Mexico generates more than 2,200 direct jobs. 

Also, the plant expands its storage capacity with new facilities in 23,400 square meters of land.

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Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, highlighted the importance of continuing to attract new investments from international companies with high social responsibility: “Ferrero is an ally of the State, not only because its production plant is in San Jose Iturbide, but also because with this investment strengthens its economic and social footprint in Guanajuato and leverages the social projects that we have developed, which is why I am pleased to witness this important investment. I want to congratulate them and thank them for their close collaboration in promoting the Greatness of Mexico.”

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Paolo Cornero, President and CEO of Ferrero de Mexico y Centroamerica stressed the importance of this new investment, precisely on the 30th anniversary of Ferrero in Mexico: “It is very exciting and satisfying for us to make this important investment. Ferrero has spent three decades in this beautiful country and we have the privilege of continuing to consolidate investments that reflect our commitment to Mexico and to all the people who directly or indirectly benefit from this project”.

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The company, during its presence in Mexico, has launched different activities for social purposes such as Kinder Joy of Moving, which promotes physical activation in children, as well as educational reconstruction projects in Guanajuato and Chiapas.

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