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Ferrero is committed with Guanajuato

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Ferrero is committed with Guanajuato

The program will benefit physical and cognitive development of 50 thousand children and 600 teachers from Guanajuato Governor of Guanajuato is the

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The program will benefit physical and cognitive development of 50 thousand children and 600 teachers from Guanajuato

Governor of Guanajuato is the witness of the launching of the Program “Joy of Moving”

Alba/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo and Officials of Group Ferrero announced for Guanajuato the Program “Joy of Moving”, a method to promote an active lifestyle in children.

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For children and teachers

“Today we start with the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato, DIF and Ferrero the program Joy of Moving, for the physical and cognitive development of more than 50 thousand children and more than 600 teachers from Guanajuato”, said the Governor.

“It is a special day for Guanajuato, Ferrero likes to do great things and they like to do them sensational. They have shown that with their presence all over the world, not only creating jobs, which is something really important, but with a great responsibility and social commitment”, said Rodiguez Vallejo.

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Strong social network

During his visit to the Italian company, the Governor noted that they are establishing solid bases to keep going over the challenges of the pandemic through economic support and strengthening the social network of Guanajuatense families.

The investment for this program is well over 10 million pesos by Group Ferrero. It will include access to the global platform, as well as donations of sports material necessary for activities.


Global flag project

“We are proud that Ferrero brings to Mexico for the first time, and  specially to Guanajuato, this methodology of one of its 3 global flag projects of social responsibility”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

“The goal is to create an active lifestyle and develop important skills in four areas:

  • Physical condition
  • Motor coordination
  • Cognitive function
  • Creativity

All abilities are essential for life, as it has been proved here”, said the Governor.

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A proven program

The Joy of Moving methodology has already been implemented in more than 30 countries and it is public policy in Italy, and it will be a great success in Guanajuato because it has the scientific bases and it has been proven.

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