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Farthest areas of Guanajuato are now warmer

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Farthest areas of Guanajuato are now warmer

The delivery of blankets to the most remote communities through the winter campaign concludes Guanajuato/Gto News The Government of the People

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The delivery of blankets to the most remote communities through the winter campaign concludes

Guanajuato/Gto News

The Government of the People through the System for the Integral Development of the Family -DIF-, finished the delivery of a total of 25 thousand blankets that were delivered in the 46 municipalities of Guanajuato for distribution to priority groups in mountainous areas where low temperatures are recorded.

The General Director of the Guanajuato State DIF System, Jose Alfonso Borja Pimentel, explained that the delivery was carried out equitably for the 46 municipalities of Guanajuato, mainly for people in communities, such as those in vulnerable areas and according to the registry of needs in each locality. 

“I want to remind our senior citizens, children and adolescents of the importance of dressing warm during this season. At the State DIF, we have committed to bringing blankets to your homes so that you can face this winter with the necessary warmth,” said Borja.

The Director said that, under the vision of the President of the Advisory Council of the State DIF System, Dr. Juan Carlos Montesinos Carranza, it is necessary to work in a coordinated manner with the Municipal DIF Systems; for this reason, 500 blankets were distributed respectively and equitably for the 46 municipalities, for the benefit of the priority groups that are affected by the inclement weather of the cold season.

For this reason, Borja invited families to continue taking care of themselves against the low temperatures that are occurring in the region in order to prevent respiratory illnesses.

“This delivery is carried out by the municipalities, which thanks to their commitment are joining in to make the support possible. This allows us to reach the areas furthest from the cities, which are normally the coldest, so I take this opportunity to thank the Municipal DIF Systems,” said Borja.

Borja Pimentel said that the People’s Government is committed to working closely with families and responding to the basic needs of the population, and to combine the efforts made by different levels of government and civil society to address the effects of low temperatures.  

“We are always close to the people, that is why it is important to be in communication with the authorities, because we are a team, and we want them to receive the greatest number of benefits, that is our mission that our Governor Libia Dennise Garcia gave us,” said Borja.

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