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Factory of Products 2.0 has 125 projects

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Factory of Products 2.0 has 125 projects

The second stage of specialized consultancy (Acceleration) is offered February through April 2022 Participants in the Tourism program will wor

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The second stage of specialized consultancy (Acceleration) is offered February through April 2022

Factory of Products Guanajuato

Participants in the Tourism program will work to have their project financed

Silao/Gto News

Factory of Products 2.0 has reported that 125 service providers of Guanajuato participated in the first stage of the Factory of Products 2.0 “Cre-action of Tourism Experiences”, a free program launched by the Secretary of Tourism in October 2021.


New tourism experiences

With the vision to support new tourism products and offer them to visitors, SECTUR, through Incubatour –an incubator focused on developing tourism products-, led the industry to create new experiences focused on the segments of Culture, Distilled, Enology, Gastronomy, Nature, Business and Romance.

The idea is to identify Business opportunities, increase the tourism offer and satisfy the need and demands of local, regional, national and international travelers.

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The second stage

Participants in the course created 125 projects, of which 25 will be selected to go to a second stage of specialized consultancy (Acceleration) to occur in February through April 2022.

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Finding financing

In this 2nd Stage the Project will be given direction, through the proper managing with a business model that will find financing; this phase will be supervised by the Direction of Tourist Products and the company Incubatour.

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Sectors in many Municipalities

The training is offered to touristic operators, hotel managers, restauranteurs, travel agents, artisans, wine producers, mezcal producers, tequila producers, among other entrepreneurs of the sector in Leon, Guanajuato City, Silao, Irapuato, San Francisco del Rincon, Purisima del Rincon, Dolores Hidalgo, San Miguel de Allende, San Felipe, Penjamo, San Diego de la Union, Victoria, San Luis de la Paz, San Jose Iturbide, Doctor Mora, Celaya, Comonfort, Salvatierra, Jerecuaro, Acambaro, Coroneo, Valle de Santiago, Yuriria and Cueramaro.

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