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Experts work to improve Migration Law

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Experts work to improve Migration Law

Officials and members of the Judiciary and Legislative Powers from different States in Mexico participated in the event United Nations chooses Gua

United to improve conditions of migrants
Efforts are joined for migrants
The 2nd International Forum on Migration is held

Officials and members of the Judiciary and Legislative Powers from different States in Mexico participated in the event

United Nations chooses Guanajuato to analyze the General Law of Migration

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) chose the Migrant Secretary and International Affairs to hold the cycle of conferences:

  • “General Law of Migration, Migration Policy and Legislative Challenges Central West Region”

Experts worked to analyze the principles established in its articles 10 years after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation in Mexico.

Laura Canche Arteaga, national official of the regional program on Migration in Mexico of the United Nations, said that the work of Guanajuato in ​​migration has been great.

UNO Migration Law Guanajuato

“How not to look at Guanajuato to hold these activities if it has been a national leader in Migration Governance and they have shared their best practices with us on different occasions”, said Canche.

Representatives from agencies of the three levels of government in Mexico that have to do with its implementation participated in these reflection activities, as well as academics, members of civil society, the private sector, public human rights organizations, of the Legislative and Judicial Power.

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The topics addressed were:

  • Migratory flows in the Center-West Region
  • Protection and humanitarian attention for migrants
  • Integration of migrants
  • Legislative challenges and the implementation of legislation in the Center-West Region

Juan Hernandez, Secretary of the Migrant and International Affairs said that the instructions of Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo is that Guanajuato is open to work collaboratively for the benefit of migrants and their families.

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“In Guanajuato we know the importance of coordinating with different instututions, that is why we are an open-door state and you can always count on us to strengthen not only legal instruments, but any other project, action or program that has a positive impact on the life of the people”, said Hernandez.

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