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El Bajio, a referral for Latin America

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El Bajio, a referral for Latin America

The area has 157 industrial parks is working to become the center of industry and innovation Creative thinking is promoted in all industries opera

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The area has 157 industrial parks is working to become the center of industry and innovation

Creative thinking is promoted in all industries operating now in this region

Gto News runs this story by Forbes Mexico as it describes the situation and aim of El Bajio, an industrial region that is working hard to become the industrial engine not only of Mexico, but of Latin America

Leon/Gto News

In the last 20 years, the Mexican region El Bajio has shown its competitiveness in many different industries, such as aerospace, automotive, bio-technology, investigation and education, reports Forbes Mexico.


The most important

The Project El Gran Bajio, formed by entrepreneurs and innovators from Queretaro, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas and Michoacan is trying to position this region as one of the most important industrialized regions of Latin America, reports Forbes.

“Just like Silicon Valley pushed an exponential way of thinking, and the Nordic pushed a collaborative thought and the Japanese a 5S method, El Bajio is becoming a referral of creative thinking in Latin America”, said Federico Quinzanos, the President and Founder of El Gran Bajio in an interview for Forbes Mexico.

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Thought and innovation

El Gran Bajio is working to promote an ecosystem of thought and innovation to strengthen the development of the Mexican region that is evolving to industries like: aerospace, pharmaceuticals, mobility, clean energies, technology and other, working with entrepreneurs, innovators, business executives and investors, reports Forbes .

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Many come to be part

Quinzanos said that even though El Gran Bajio started with the support of entrepreneurs, now many other people have adhered to the Project, like innovators, global companies, business executives and startups forming an ecosystem with executives of all levels and industries that generate a new era for this region, reported Forbes .

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Everybody is part of the project

“We started with the great entrepreneurs of the region, but then came innovators who are selling above $15 million dollars a year; they are solid, they are exporting and they have alliances and patents abroad. In a third level we have global companies and we have more than 4,400 of those companies in the area, they come from 80 countries that have decided to invest here in El Bajio: It is obvious that they see something happening here, and the fourth level is formed by business executives”, said Quinzanos to Forbes.

Clases master

Today El Bajio has:

  • 157 industrial Parks
  • 100 investigation centers
  • 100 centers of top level specialization
  • 250+ universities
  • 76 vineyards
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Plus consolidated industries like:

  • 90 companies in aeronautics
  • 800 companies related to automotive industry
  • 12 car assembly plants

* Information by Forbes

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Many resources

El Gran Bajío has 5 international agencies to connect national projects and businesses with global agencies, besides they have training and are guided by the Singularity University.

“More than industry El Gran Bajio has to do with mentality: “Which are we projecting? Today we are promoting the creative mindset”, said Quinzanos to Forbes.


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