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Effort to protect women is coordinated

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Effort to protect women is coordinated

Officials define the protocol for the Interinstitutional and Multidisciplinary Group that will supervise the work of the Alert for Gender Violence ag

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Officials define the protocol for the Interinstitutional and Multidisciplinary Group that will supervise the work of the Alert for Gender Violence against Women

“Our commitment is that this Alert will be a turning point in eradicating femicides and disappearance of women in Guanajuato”: Governor

Guanajuato/Gto News

“As your Governor I tell you, there will be no room for any form of violence or discrimination against women. My government assumes with great responsibility and humility, the recognition of this Gender Alert because it makes visible a very important challenge, a problem that hurts us as a society,” said Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo as she led the ceremony of notarization of the Installation of the Interinstitutional and Multidisciplinary Group -GIM-.

This group will oversee the work of the Alert for Gender Violence against Women -AVGM- in 17 municipalities of Guanajuato; also, it will be responsible for analyzing, evaluating and issuing recommendations on the implementation of the actions of the AVGM.

The GIM, which took office on the day of the event, has as its members:

  • José Christian Hernandez Robledo from CONAVIM; Elizabeth Perez Gemez, from INMUJERES; Itzel Balderas Hernandez, from IMUG; Maria del Carmen Caballero Martinez, from CNDH; Iovanna De Los Angeles Rocha Cano, as representative of civil society organizations; Maria Guadalupe Fernandez Aguilera, as a specialist in women’s human rights; and Abraham Sanchez Ruiz, a human rights specialist.

“Our commitment is that this Alert will be a turning point in eradicating femicides and disappearances in Guanajuato,” said Libia Dennise.

The Governor acknowledged the role of each of the people who make up this group, “you are a very important part in making these protocol and actions a reality and creating a better environment for women.”

“We have decided to create a public, open platform, where each of the authorities can be closely monitored regarding their commitments, so that both the media and society in general in Guanajuato can know in a transparent manner how we are progressing in the fulfillment of each of these issues,” said the Governor.

One month into the Government of Libia Dennise, two preventive actions are being enforced:

  • First, a Zero Tolerance message to gender violence issued on October 8 by the Governor, the Autonomous Organizations, the Powers and the 17 municipalities with Alert
  • Second, a dissemination campaign to make visible and prevent violence against women in its form of harassment, which will begin in a few days

The AVGM seeks to guarantee security and access to justice for women, adolescents and girls, reduce femicide violence and eliminate inequality and discrimination that affect their rights.

The Governor of the State of Guanajuato, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, instructed the Legal and Expanded Cabinet to pay close attention to these measures and actions.

In the Government of the People we will not rest until we achieve that Guanajuato is a state free of violence against women, adolescents and girls, said the Governor.

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