INAEBA offers COA Platform with accessibility features to bring closer and make easier education fort Guanajuatenses with disabilities Más Gto/Leo
INAEBA offers COA Platform with accessibility features to bring closer and make easier education fort Guanajuatenses with disabilities
Más Gto/Leon
Concerned about inclusion and bringing basic education closer to Guanajuato residents aged 15 and over, the Institute of Literacy and Basic Education for Adults updated the education model of the Learning Communities by its acronym COA in which you can study through a platform with accessibility features.

On this platform education resources are adapted for people with visual or hearing disabilities, which facilitates their learning so that they can complete basic education with INAEBA.
To access the COA platform with accessibility resources go to:

Here student will be able to see videos with subtitles and interpretation in Mexican Sign Language, audios that narrate the content, concept maps with the key words of the topics or self-descriptions that integrate the content with graphic elements.
The general director of INAEBA, Jose Jesus Correa Ramirez, said “we have updated and incorporated sufficient elements so that the population with a visual or hearing disability has the opportunity to study with us and they know that the state government, that INAEBA is accompanying them at all times”.

Rosa Maria Mares Bermudez, academic director, explained the details: “This education platform is not exclusive for people with disabilities, it is for all those people in situations of educational lag, but, at the time we built it, we did seek to eliminate those barriers that would prevent the entire population from truly accessing them.”
The event was attended by the associations with which INAEBA works hand in hand to bring basic education to people with hearing, visual or mild intellectual disabilities CYDEVY AC, CETIB, CRECIBV AC, Caritas de Leon AC and the Special Education Center for the Deaf and Mexican Sign Language AC.

Alejandro Rutilo Avalos Rincon, Director of Education Inclusion SEG, was present; Jose Grimaldo Colmenero, General Director of INGUDIS ; Fabian Rolando Garcia Marquez, Community Development Coordinator of the DIF system and Ramon Hernandez Hernandez, councilor of the municipality of Leon, who recognized INAEBA ‘s commitment to education care for vulnerable groups and celebrated this initiative.