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Digital payment is promoted for MSMEs

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Digital payment is promoted for MSMEs

The State Government and BanBajío and VISA, present a strategic alliance to promote the digital financial inclusion of local companies Businessmen

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The State Government and BanBajío and VISA, present a strategic alliance to promote the digital financial inclusion of local companies

Businessmen of Guanajuato will have other benefits to boost their commercial presence and increase their sales

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Irapuato/Gto News

With the institutional collaboration agreement between the Government of Guanajuato, BanBajio and VISA, digitalization is promoted in the payment methods of local Micro, Small and Mid-size Companies -MIPYMES-, in addition to other technological and business training benefits.

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The State administration headed by Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo promotes strategic alliances to accelerate the adaptability of the Guanajuato business community to the new economic realities to increase their competitiveness.

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The ‘Digitalization to make MSMEs grow’ strategy has the goal of accelerating the financial inclusion of private initiative, through greater education on the subject, the development of new technologies and access to training and payment platforms.

The head of the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development –SDES- Ramon Alfaro Gomez, said that the digitization of companies is a tool to improve business processes by providing efficiency, cost reduction, decision-making, professionalization, among other benefits.

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One of the greatest advantages of this collaboration is access to the ENKO training platform where they can learn about topics such as sales, administration, marketing, finance, personal development, among other, to improve their business.

The businesses from Guanajuato that join, will be able to hire a BanBajío point terminal to charge with a Card, obtaining a preferential discount rate and advantages such as having the money from those sales available the next day, administration interfaces and the possibility of offering their clients purchases at months with no interest.

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With these actions, the State Government continues to work for the benefit of local commerce, providing entrepreneurs with the tools that allow them to build more competitive businesses.

If you are interested in accessing the business training platform go to:

  • https://www.enko.org/mx/mipymedigital/inicio

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