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December 1st ‘Day of Prevention of Addictions’

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December 1st ‘Day of Prevention of Addictions’

Ale Gutierrez agrees on her commitment to work for the well being of children and adolescents All 46 Municipalities of Guanajuato adopt the Pl

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Ale Gutierrez agrees on her commitment to work for the well being of children and adolescents

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All 46 Municipalities of Guanajuato adopt the Planet Youth Model

Leon/Gto News

December 1st was declared by a Decree as the State Day of Prevention of Addictions and Ale Gutierrez the Mayor of Leon confirmed her commitment to work for children and adolescents from Leon to prevent addictions.


Actions of prevention

“We are not only going to prevent crime with more security elements, but we are going to increase actions of prevention where we all participate, where we all promote actions and confirm that we will keep working”, said Ale Gutierrez.

The Icelandic Model Planet Youth is now being applied in 34 countries, it is the most ambitious project for Leon and Guanajuato, it is based on prevention and the decrease of drug consumption, strengthening protection and reducing the risk factors in children and youngsters.

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Reduction of addictions

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo said that the main goal of this decree is that each December 1st we assess how much we have advanced in reduction of addictions.

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Make the problem visible

“It is important to set a day because it is important to make visible the problems we have in the world, this day is like a mechanism of social empowerment; we are strengthening the work we started with Planet Youth two years ago”, said the Governor.

All 46 Municipalities signed an Agreement with Planet Youth to be part of the scientific model of prevention of addictions.

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Decrease consumption of substances

All municipalities are now part of the program and it is a chance for Guanajuato to reverse the consumption of drugs.

The Mayor of Leon, Ale Gutierrez, called on all Mayors of Guanajuato to adopt intelligent strategies in an interdisciplinary work.

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